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  1. #1
    Senior Member AuntB's Avatar
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    Patriot Post endorsement of Duncan Hunter - Class of Reagan id=530

    A candidate's Patriot Rating is based on analysis of many factors -- their record, experience, capability, character, leadership qualifications and, of course, their ability to read and understand the plain language of our Constitution -- and act accordingly. Many voters support candidates on the basis of one or two of the aforementioned qualifiers, which is to say, if your favorite candidate scored lower, it is likely because of qualifiers other than those on which you base your support.

    Duncan Hunter (The Patriot Post has endorsed the candidacy of Duncan Hunter. Read the Hunter endorsement) Patriot Rating: 6 Duncan Hunter - The Class of Reagan

    "If men of wisdom and knowledge ... and true republican simplicity of manners ... are chosen to fill the seats of government, we may expect that our affairs will rest on a solid and permanent foundation." --Samuel Adams

    The consensus among the chattering class is that this presidential cycle features no clear heir to the Reagan mantle. Yet of the declared candidates, conservatives outnumber the media-dubbed triumvirate of Giuliani, McCain and Romney. Most notable among them is Duncan Hunter, the California representative who hails from The Gipper's lucky city of San Diego.

    Hunter earned his congressional seat in 1980, in a 2-to-1 Democrat-dominated district. He did so with a winning combination of determination, shoe leather, integrity and a clear conservative philosophy as espoused by GOP presidential candidate [Ronald Reagan. |http://Reagan2020.US/] Certain sectors of the San Diego establishment have never forgiven Hunter for ousting nine-term Demo Rep. Lionel Van Deerlin, now a columnist for The San Diego Union-Tribune.

    Hunter is a decorated Vietnam veteran who served with the 173rd Airborne Division and the 75th Army Rangers. After returning home, he attended law school and opened offices in San Diego's Hispanic Barrio Logan, often offering legal services at no charge. Last October, before the Republican congressional losses, Hunter announced his simultaneous retirement from Congress and his presidential candidacy. In other words, he is serious about this campaign.

    The National Journal recently assessed political placement of declared presidential candidates based on a gamut of congressional votes. While this obviously applies only to legislators, Hunter achieved the most conservative score -- 82.5 of a possible 99 -- edging Sam Brownback. Both are well ahead of the rest of the pack. Indeed, Hunter has a lengthy list of conservative bona fides.

    Most notably, in more than two decades on the House Armed Services Committee, where he is the former chairman and current ranking member, Hunter steadfastly advocated a victory strategy in both the Cold War and the global war with Jihadistan. He also did much to blunt the dismantling of the U.S. military by Bill Clinton. As chairman of Armed Services, Hunter oversaw the nation's $532-billion defense budget in the first years of America's war on Islamic terrorism.

    On the immigration front, he sponsored the controversial Secure Fence Act for improved border control and was personally responsible for 59 miles of border fencing now in place along San Diego County's border with Mexico.

    When it comes to constitutional issues, he does not subscribe to the adulterated "Living Constitution" oft-referenced by the Left. Instead, he is a constitutional constructionist and abides by the letter of the Constitution he has sworn to uphold.

    Hunter's presidential bid is centered on three core national-security principles: Effective prosecution of the campaign against jihadi terrorism, strict border and immigration enforcement and a focus on our own economic security in the global economy.

    What kind of campaign must the GOP wage to win? Top presidential contenders among the Democrats have over twice the money and nearly twice the donors of the Republicans' big three. Moreover, if Hillary wins the Demo primary, she will decline federal matching funds -- freeing herself of the restrictions attached to those funds.

    A Republican ticket will need a lot of bang for the buck, cutting a significant swath into the Democrats' base -- without losses on the right. In his Demo-dominated district, Hunter has proven he can win Democrats' votes without waffling on conservative principles.

    In the contests where he has actively campaigned, Hunter has performed best on that measure.

    In the March South Carolina contest, he drew to a statistical tie, at 22 percent each, with John McCain and Rudy Giuliani. "We were outspent 10 to 1," he remarked, going against an "army of consultants." Running the effort was his son, a Marine captain and OIF veteran. Of this, candidate Hunter quipped, "You know, that's a pretty good match-up: one Marine versus 550 consultants. We did have the advantage."

    Every characteristic touted as a distinguisher for another candidate is one Hunter also demonstrates. He combines the military service and acumen of McCain with the border-security stances of Tom Tancredo, he's been a consistent defender of human life and traditional families in law and he has a firm grasp of the principles of constitutional law. He has as much or more experience as a legislator than most of his primary contenders.

    A true Patriot, Hunter proclaims, "America is a great nation because America is a good nation. God still loves this nation. We are still a people of character and strength and kindness. And so with faith in God, with confidence in the goodness of the American people, let's win this race for the United States presidency."

    A veteran of the 1980 congressional "Class of Reagan," Duncan Hunter is a standout worthy of serious consideration by conservative voters, not only because of his aforementioned qualifications, but because one has to spend only a minute with him to know what achievement he counts above all others -- his 33 years of marriage to his wife, Lynne, and the two sons and four grandchildren that are the product of that marriage. Duncan is a family man above all.

    Ron Paul (Read our commentary Patriot Rating: 4
    Want to make people angry? Lie to them.
    Want to make them absolutely livid? Tell 'em the truth."

  2. #2
    Senior Member Rockfish's Avatar
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    Jun 2005
    From FLA to GA as of 04/01/07
    He combines the military service and acumen of McCain with the border-security stances of Tom Tancredo, he's been a consistent defender of human life and traditional families in law and he has a firm grasp of the principles of constitutional law. He has as much or more experience as a legislator than most of his primary contenders.

    A true Patriot, Hunter proclaims, "America is a great nation because America is a good nation. God still loves this nation. We are still a people of character and strength and kindness. And so with faith in God, with confidence in the goodness of the American people, let's win this race for the United States presidency."

    A veteran of the 1980 congressional "Class of Reagan," Duncan Hunter is a standout worthy of serious consideration by conservative voters, not only because of his aforementioned qualifications, but because one has to spend only a minute with him to know what achievement he counts above all others..
    I'm tellin ya folks, we won't go wrong with him becuase


    Duncan has more class, more intestinal fortitude, more discipline and logic than all of the other candidates combined. Unlike any President since JFK or RR, he's a man's man. He walks, talks and carries himself like a genuine United States President. You won't get any flip-flopping from this guy, just God's honest truth. When it comes to illegal immigration, the prime reason for this forum, Duncan Hunter will net us the biggest bang for our buck.

    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

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