We'll Defend Rule of Law in Arizona

Oct. 31, 2009 12:00 AM

The greatest threat to our citizens is the failure to enforce our immigration laws. Sanctuary city policies threaten safe neighborhoods, not to mention violate federal law. We must eliminate all sanctuary cities in this state and allow legal citizens the right to sue their government for violating this law. The media continue to ignore the real issue, as illustrated in The Republic's Oct. 23 editorial ("Pearce and crew fill leadership vacuum with bunk").

It is true we are single-minded and committed to protecting our neighborhoods. We have seen sharp decreases in both crime and illegal immigration, which demonstrates that enforcement works.

What we need to do now is safeguard that enforcement by making some much needed changes in state law. Illegal immigration creates one of the greatest hardships on working families who live in neighborhoods impacted by kidnappings, home invasions, gangs, drugs and drophouses.

It is not now, nor has it ever been just a federal responsibility. Congress could have chosen to limit local enforcement, pursuant to its plenary power over immigration, but it has not done so.

If our leaders want to address the growing disdain, they must first restore trust with the American people. If you say you are going to secure our borders, then secure them; if you say you are going to enforce the law, then enforce it. If you take an oath of office, then keep it. We will defend the rule of law of this state and nation. We can call this the Arizona Taxpayers and Citizens Protect Act if you will. Enough is enough! - Russell Pearce, Mesa
The writer is an Arizona state senator.
