U.S CONSTITUTION, ARTICLE 1, SECTION 10 – No state shall enter into an agreement with a foreign Power . . . without the consent of Congress.
Mike Huckabee has also violated Arkansas State Law: Codes ANN 6-65-101, 22-2-114C(i), 22-5-401(b), 22-2-108.

Your tax dollars are funding a Mexican Consulate in Little Rock which will facilitate illegal alien jobs in violation of federal law. The consulate will also provide illegal aliens with legal assistance, passports, non-mandated benefits that American citizens cannot get, as well as other services.

Governor Huckabee has been asked to declare exactly what functions the Mexican Consulate will provide in addition to those listed. He has refused to answer.


A Huckabee bureaucrat, Robert Trevino signed an agreement with Mexico to lease state property to Mexico for one dollar. The agreement also provides for the use of one Arkansas state employee.
Note: Robert Trevino, former President of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), funded by taxpayer dollars who are lobbying to obtain amnesty for 20 million or more illegal Mexican aliens, etc. LULAC is actively involved in the anti-American Mexican reconquista (take over) of the southwestern US by colonization and occupation.

A PRIVATE consortium of Arkansas corporations has signed a three year contract to fund all expenses incurred by the Mexican Consulate upon the expiration of the state’s lease. Why?
Note: The names of the consortium were blacked out by Trevino. Why and who are they? Guess!

The purpose of the Little Rock Mexican Consulate is to encourage Mexican illegal aliens to come to Arkansas which is ALSO a violation of the Federal Immigration Laws called â€