Permit to issue Mexican ID cards revoked
Kyle Jackson

The Mexican Consulate’s trip to Lafayette this weekend to issue a controversial identification card to Mexican nationals may not happen because local officials have revoked the consulate’s permit to operate in a Lafayette government facility.

City Parish-President Joey Durel along with U.S. Senator David Vitter, R-Metairie, announced Thursday that the city was revoking the consulate’s permit, which would have allowed them to operate out of the Clifton Chenier Center this Saturday and Sunday. The consulate planned to issue matricula consular identification cards, a non-U.S. issued form of ID for Mexican nationals.

The card however has come under fire locally and nationally because the consulate doesn’t necessarily verify immigration status before it issues the card, so any Mexican national, whether they are in the U.S. legally or illegally, can get one.
“If there’s any possibility of aiding illegal aliens on city-parish property, that’s not something we want to be a part of,â€