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Mon Oct 2, 8:03 PM ET

WASHINGTON -- When a small group of Americans has been fighting for nearly 30 years for the seemingly impossible cause of immigration control, and then overnight the cause begins to catch fire, there is a collective drawing of breath that could suck the water glasses off the table.

It was something like that last weekend when the Federation of American Immigration Reform, popularly known as FAIR, held its annual meeting here. One day earlier, the Senate -- to FAIR's amazement -- approved a 700-mile fence along the American-Mexican border.

"You want to know how far we've come?" Pat Buchanan asked the group. "In 1991 I went to the border and saw illegals coming in, 5,000 over a weekend. When I suggested a border fence then, they accused me of being David Duke. Now I wake up this morning and see the lioness of American liberalism, Hillary Clinton, has voted for a fence!"

But no one has any illusions that the fight to fairly and justly control America's immigration has anything more than begun.

"This is an existential crisis," Buchanan, author of the best-selling new book "State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America," went on. "We have at least 12 million illegals in America, and 150,000 coming every month. We are becoming a tangle of conflicting nationalities." Then, referring to the generally accepted analytical assessment that, things remaining as they are, we will have at least 100 million new "Americans" in the next 20 years, he posed the question: "Can we move 100 million into the U.S. and remain America, still? And one should ask: Why exactly are we taking this risk?"

Why, indeed? FAIR members,who were a small group when the organization started in 1979 and now number 250,000 across the country, heard over and over at the meeting that 87 percent or more of Americans are "with us." By all indicators, at least that number want controls on the immigrants flooding the country. But the group also realized that comprehensive reform is nowhere to be seen on Capitol Hill or in the White House. The problem lies at the top.

The people, with their common sense and loyalty to citizenship, WANT. The big companies, with their voracious appetite for cheap labor, DECIDE. For their part, the president and, until now, the Congress listen to the big companies and special interests.

There was still little jubilation, but there were developments that are well worth noting:

The idea seems to be growing that a workable and moral policy would deal with illegal immigration through a process of attrition. You control the border as well as possible and, at the same time, begin cracking down on major employers of illegals and deporting illegal criminals and gang members. No Gestapos, please. (Buchanan did suggest, tongue-in-cheek -- at least I think -- that such employers might be sent to the border to mix cement for the fence!)

There was deep concern about Hispanic and black children not learning, in great part due to different cultural expectations. "We won't have a peaceful world if we don't get these kids learning," former Colorado Gov. Richard Lamm said at one point in the program.

Working-class Americans are suffering from illegal immigration. There is extensive evidence that Americans will do and are happy to take the jobs the illegals are supposedly taking because of the pro-immigration lobby's deliberately misleading mantra, "Americans won't do those jobs!" "The major beneficiaries of our immigration program are affluent Americans," Lawrence Harrison, long-time immigration control expert, now at the Fletcher School at Tufts University, said. "American workers lose $190 million annually through the depression of the labor market by the hiring of illegal workers. How terribly wrong is this presumption that illegals take jobs Americans won't take!"

Steve Camarota, analyst with the Center for Immigration Studies, noted that the situation was falsified to the point of being bizarre: "You've all heard about Mexican workers helping rebuild after Katrina (with employers deliberately replacing available American workers)," he said. "But Chinese? There are 2,000 to 3,000 Chinese there working for two big Chinese companies. To add insult to injury, they are using Chinese materials!"

One other distinct new trend is that, in the absence of federal action until now, communities, cities and states are taking things into their own hands. They are putting through ordinances to control illegal employment, dealing harshly with illegal criminals and no longer waiting for the Godot that is Washington today.

And pleasurably, a few philosophical notes. Film producer Ron Maxwell noted that "the world is divided into two kinds of people. Those that live in three dimensions live simultaneously in the past, present and future. Those of us who live in this present are trustees to hand the past over to the future so the dead and the unborn are as alive as we are. But those who live only in the present think it's fine to pave over a battlefield or destroy a Buddha.

"I find it curious that those who decry a fence along our southern border are the ones who live in gated communities because they don't care about community, only the bottom line. For the present-tensers, if 100 million more come across the border, they'll celebrate because a sense of place and tradition means nothing to them -- only profit."

Finally, John Tanton, the Michigan medical doctor who founded FAIR, followed up with a plaintive, but central, philosophical question that topped off the entire meeting. "When," he asked sadly, "did we begin to see man in America as only an economic animal?"

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