A Petition to Members of Congress

• Please vote against a guest worker amnesty bill (and any other bill that would legalize the immigration status of illegal aliens already in the U.S.) and also vote against any guest worker bill that legalizes future influxes of illegal aliens!

• Please vote to secure our borders and stop illegal immigration!

A Petition to Members

of Congress

To the U.S. Senators

and Representatives of


• Please vote against a guest worker amnesty

bill (and any other bill that would legalize

the immigration status of illegal aliens already

in the U.S.) and also vote against any guest

worker bill that legalizes future inflfl uxes of

illegal aliens!

• Please vote to secure our borders and

stop illegal immigration!

A Petition to Members

of Congress

To the U.S. Senators

and Representatives of


• Please vote against a guest worker amnesty

bill (and any other bill that would legalize

the immigration status of illegal aliens already

in the U.S.) and also vote against any guest

worker bill that legalizes future influxes of

illegal aliens!

• Please vote to secure our borders and

stop illegal immigration!


(Name) (Mailing Address)

1. ___________________________ __________________________________________________ __


___________________________ __________________________________________________ __


✓ Send completed petitions to

✓ Petitions will be counted, copied and sorted for delivery to your representative and senators. And let them know we want America back!