Letter: Sherrod Brown not protecting U.S. workers
August 26, 2008

Sen. Sherrod Brown boasts he's committed to protecting and keeping jobs in the United States. If his voting record on free trade agreements is any indication, he has certainly been doing that since 1996. But the question is, for whom is he protecting U.S. jobs? If his congressional voting record on immigration, legal and illegal, is any indication, he isn't protecting them for American workers.

A cursory examination of his voting record from 1996 to 2008 reveals he has consistently voted in favor of chain migration for immigrants, legal and illegal; against workplace verification programs; against the use of U.S. troops at our southern border to assist border patrolmen in stemming the flow of drug traffickers, terrorists, other criminals and illegal aliens; against increasing the number of border patrolmen; almost consistently voted against legislation denying illegal aliens drivers' licenses. Never mind the growing number of accidents caused by illegal aliens who can't read our road signs, drive the wrong way on one-way highways, kill American citizens and hit-skip.

He has consistently voted against legislation based on the 9/11 Recommendations Act calling for deportation of terrorists and other illegal aliens. Would he sacrifice the lives of American citizens to terrorists to insure the flood of cheap labor entering this nation continues unabated?

He consistently voted against legislation withholding federal funding to sanctuary cities that protect illegal aliens and potentially terrorists; voted in favor of all legislation giving amnesty to what must by now be 23 million illegal aliens and he worked feverishly to push one huge amnesty bill through when most senators had not even read it; voted in favor of the Clinton Amendment to S1348 to increase the number of immigrants brought here legally to take U.S. jobs. There is more.

Clearly, Sen. Brown is pro-immigration and that makes him anti-American worker because immigrants come here to take American jobs. Meanwhile, he ignores U.S. Census projections for a population of more than 400 million by 2040. Our government can't handle today's 303 million; 100 million more promises to worsen our present condition. It's time for new legislators.

Jacqueline I. Ruhl
Fredericktown, Ohio
