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Teddy's immigration lies carpet the path to national disaster
July 23, 2006 12:50 am

Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpiao lays down the law to a participant in a protest of the sheriff's aggressive policy of arresting illegal aliens. Congress needs to follow the lead of Sheriff Arpiao, the writer believes.
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SEN. EDWARD KENNEDY'S Inde- pendence Day commentary ["This Fourth of July, let's remember: We're a nation of immigrants"] is more propaganda than truth. When Walt Whitman wrote about "a teaming of nations," immigrants came to the United States legally. Illegal aliens come now. The debate is not about entitlement to citizenship. It is about illegal immigration.

Let Kennedy show one community where illegals made a contribution. Our future does not depend on illegal aliens. It depends on Americans. Standing on the Mall during the recent immigration demonstration, did he not see foreign flags and anti-American signs?

Illegal aliens are not undocumented workers. They have broken U.S. immigration laws and are criminals. American workers will take jobs for decent wages, causing prosperity twofold. With a decent wage, American workers would have more disposable income, which would stay in this country, not go south of the border. Also, there would be a lighter burden on the social infrastructure--education, health care, welfare; no translators in hospitals and government offices solely to benefit aliens; no money wasted providing instructions and directions in a foreign language.

Kennedy's claim that the "majority of Americans believe [the] liberal Senate immigration bill is a sound blueprint for progress" is bogus. Eighty percent of Americans do not believe that. The Senate measure is anti-American worker and anti-American family; it is pro-business, pro-labor, and pro-political power sought by both Republicans and Democrats.

Few Americans bought the lie of the past that "illegal aliens do jobs that the native-born won't," and we won't buy the newest lie--"our economy needs these people to maximize production." Few Americans would refuse overtime, maximizing production, for good pay. There are college students, on full scholarships, with tuition money, room, board, and stipends provided, who would work 16 hours a day for good pay. They would be willing to maximize production for equitable wages. They would do the hard jobs--those jobs the pro-amnesty lawmakers claim Americans won't do.

If Ted Kennedy knows that 1,000 illegal aliens enter this country daily, where is his legislation to secure the borders and enforce the law? If laws are enforced, aliens are not hired, aliens will return home and stay there, more aliens will never come.

It is preached to American citizens that aliens love their families, faith, communities, and (the footnote) "America." But Americans--unhyphenated Americans--want good-paying jobs to support the families we love, to practice and give to the faiths we hold, to love and contribute to our communities, and to serve our country with our wealth. Immigrants built America, it's true. We are descended from immigrants. But we are no longer a nation of immigrants. We are a nation of Americans--280 million of us.

One must wonder if legislators ever read the Constitution or ever had a lesson in history or government, ever considered what is good for the country, ever had an idea what threatens liberty.

John F. Kennedy said, "We need a nation of Minutemen, prepared to take arms, who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life." Our present government calls such people vigilantes. We must insist that government allow the militia and police agencies to enforce the law. Legislators must be stopped from driving their pro-illegal agenda right past our noses or we will have a catastrophic problem. By 2020, at present trends, the U.S. population will increase by 100 million aliens.

We the people own this nation. We cannot fiddle while America falls to Third Country status. We must contact legislators and let them know we are not buying their immigration bill of goods. We can ask Congress members to stand firm on the tougher House bill.

President Bush, some allege, is pursuing a globalist agenda to create a North American Union, effectively erasing our borders with Mexico and Canada. We must be vigilant and oppose any such agenda to trade away our sovereignty and dissolve the U.S.A. into the NAU.

Let's listen to the voices of a few great men:

"It is much more important to kill bad bills than to pass good ones"--Calvin Coolidge.

"A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves."--Edward R. Murrow.

"When governments fear the people there is liberty. When the people fear the government there is tyranny."--Thomas Jefferson.

We are the government. Let's not fear ourselves nor those we elect to represent us. Let's not allow the elected to make bad decisions.

The liberals will have us believe that Americans are for bad policies. Don't believe their lies.

MILDRED FISCHER lives in Fredericksburg.

Copyright 2006 The Free Lance-Star Publishing Company.