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A Right to Invade
MALDEF Lawyer to Head Civil Rights Division

American Patrol Report -- February 25
Obama and Villaraigosa – teaming up to destroy the U. S..

Ending any doubt that he will not fight for the right of Mexicans to invade the United States, President Obama selected the former vice president of litigation for MALDEF to head the Department of Justice's civil rights division.

Thomas A. Saenz, the in-house counsel to Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, will be responsible for enforcing a broad range of laws dealing with civil rights, including voting, access to public facilities, and so on.

Villaraigosa was an outspoken opponent of California's Proposition 187 and Saenz litigated against it. In fact, Villaraigosa worked with the President of Mexico to persuade then California governor Gray Davis to kill the California statute created when Proposition 187 passed. Some say this was an illegal act.

"This appointment sends a very clear signal that President-Pretend Barack Hussein Obama will put the rights of illegal aliens ahead of the interests of the American People," said Glenn Spencer of the American Patrol Report. "I can envision Americans being hauled into court for even saying the word illegal alien,{ he added.

Some have suggested calling the Democratic Party the "Dumbocrats" for allowing themselves to be duped by Obama. "Eventually the voters, especially white voters, will find out that they drank specially-sweetened Kool-Aid when they voted for Obama," Spencer said.