2005 Impact of Illegal Immigration Results

Please find the results below of the NRCC's most recent survey. The answers are from our great supporters. The answers will help the NRCC to recommend importantn discussion points for the Republican Congressional agenda.

Â*2005 Immigration Survey
The following questions were given. The results of each answer are listed below the question.

1. Are you concerned with current illegal immigration levels - today there are an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States, with as many as 500,000 arriving each year?
Yes - 94.9% No - 4.7% Undecided/No opinion - 0.9% Â*

2. Do you believe uncontrolled illegal immigration poses a security threat to the United States?
Yes - 94%No - 4.7% Undecided/No opinion - 1.3% Â*

3. Do you believe millions of illegal immigrants deserve welfare benefits, free health care and education, and even Social Security benefits paid for by American taxpayers?
Yes - 5.8% No - 92.2% Undecided/No opinion - 2% Â*

4. Do you believe that high levels of illegal immigration are putting fiscal strains on state and local governments, depressing wages for low-income workers, and displacing Americans in the job market?
Yes - 88.1% No - 9.4% Undecided/No opinion - 2.6% Â*

5. Do you support efforts by some lawmakers to offer amnesty, jobs, benefits, even citizenship to illegal immigrants?
Yes - 11.6% No - 83.8% Undecided/No opinion - 4.6% Â*

6. Do you believe in more of a "get-tough" approach to curbing illegal immigration (i.e., closing our borders, denying illegal immigrants benefits, and deporting those caught by authorities)?
Yes - 88.9% No - 8.6% Undecided/No opinion - 2.5% Â*

7. Do you support your Republican leadership's efforts to lead the debate on improving and strengthening our nation's efforts to halt the flood of illegal immigrants into America?
Yes - 79% No - 10.6% Undecided/No opinion - 10.4% Â*Â*

8. Do you believe that illegal immigration is a homeland security issue?
Yes - 90% No - 7% Undecided/No opinion - 3% Â*

Paid for by the
National Republican Congressional Committee
and not authorized by any candidate's committee.
Not created at government expense.

Copyright 2005 | NRCC
320 First Street SE | Washington, DC 20003
(202) 479-7000 | Contact Us

When the Republicans are polled by their own and not the AILA the results are very different.