Media coverage is scant of the Dallas rally that dragon5 and Truism attended today. Thanks guys! - for being there and for the photos!

Googling several options came up with no reports of the rally but lots of coverage of tommorrow's rally held by the pro-illegal crowd.

Only by inputting "Walnut Hill and Central" did I finally find a story.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... 82312.html

Apr 8, 2006 5:21 pm US/Central
Immigration Reform Rally Draws Opposition
(CBS 11 News)

“My grandmother, grandfather, they came here legally.”

“If you live for the American dream ... don't hide in the shadows.”

Those were some of the sentiments expressed Saturday at a counter demonstration to Sunday's immigration rally.

Few hid their emotions at the Citizens for Immigration Reform Rally in Dallas as many crowded the corners of Walnut Hill and Central Expressway.

“We're talking about the Germans, Irish,” another demonstrator, Jim King, said. “This is a country made up of immigrants, but legally.”

“I'm here for all the immigrants who came over here legally and went through the system of getting their green cards,” added Jacquelene Cassell of the red tape many endure.

People stood in the spirit of unity of immgraition reform, but had different opinions on the issue.

“I'm not against the illegals,” Tony Laviento said. “I'm against our federal government and the government in Mexico because this needs to be controlled. I'd like to see us secure the borders.“

Border control, job availability and race all played a part of the conversations heard.

The sea of red, white and blue couldn't be missed as people waved their American flags in the air. They called it a sign of their pride.

It was another flag, however, caused an emotional outbreak.

John Rhodes was one of only a few who attended this rally in support of undocumented immigrants.

“The Hispanics have made this country great,” a small group chanted.