You probably thought this was going to be an article about El Presidente Filipe Calderon. Or maybe even Vincente Fox? Nope, not even close. This is about the president that has done more for the country of Mexico than any other in its entire existence. This president has created millions of jobs for his countrymen and he is well on his way to solving Mexico's unemployment and overpopulation problems. He has made vast improvements in the country's educational and health institutions, and I cannot even begin to describe how he has improved his country's welfare program (which was almost non-existent before he took office). He is responsible for bring upwards of fifty billion dollars into Mexico's economy every year. Some of you are wondering which one am I talking about? I will give you some clues. I'm talking about the one who says family values do not stop at the Rio Grande. Have you figured it out yet? I will give you another hint. The one who said that they are here to do the jobs that Americans will not do. Yep. The one who sits in the Oval Office. The big man, the Great Decider himself, El Presidente Jorge Bush.
But, if he is El Presidente of Mexico, then why in the hell isn't he in the presidential palace in Mexico City where he belongs, and evidently wants to be? Why is he in the White House if he prefers Mexico more than his own country? More people from Mexico listen to him than do his own citizens (Americans). Every time I see his face on television, I turn the channel. I much prefer Meerkat Manor than listen to his traitorous words. Flower is a much better leader in my opinion, at least she protects her territory from outside invaders and takes care of her people. If I hear him on the radio I will turn it off in disgust. I have not listened to any speeches of his since the one where he first uttered those infamous words, and I quote "They are here to do the jobs that Americans will not do" unquote. One of these days I will read a news story where he begins to make a speech in Spanish instead of his own supposed native language. I feel so disgusted and let down because of him, that I just want to go outside and shout it to the heavens. Why does he not just turn in his resignation and move to Mexico?
I am a conservative, used to be a Republican but not anymore. I am fed up with our politicians like Lindsey Graham, John McCain and the rest that I just want to throw up.There is not any real difference between Democrats and Republicans these days. Seems like every congressman and senator in both parties would rather bend over backwards for illegal aliens invaders than they will for their own countrymen. Look at the frontrunners stances on illegal immigration. Are their views any different than the Democrats? John McCain has been a co-sponser of more than one amnesty proposal. Rudy Giuliani turned a blind eye to illegal aliens the entire time as Mayor of New York City, and listen to his recent speech about where illigration isn't really a crime. So, tell me, how are our frontrunners any different that the Democrat frontrunners? You don't believe me? What is it, three or four tries at amnesty since June? And another coming up in November. Is there one major politician in Washington that has any balls to say that enough is enough, where is the American people in all of this amnesty talk? Eighty-five per cent of Americans are against any sort of amnesty for people who have invaded our country illegally. Are there any in Washington that will speak up for the American people?
And who are these idiots listening to? I think Michael Savage said it best on his program. He said that thirty illegal aliens were outside his studio protesting something he said on his program. He asked, who are the politicians listening to, is it the thirty illegal aliens or the two hundred eighty million Americans citizens who want illegal immigration stopped? Think about that for a minute, who do you think our leaders are listening to? Do you think they are hearing us? We said no on amnesty and they keep trying to sneak it back into the game. We say we want our border closed, that it should have been closed on Sep 12th 2001. but they come up with excuse after excuse. In the meantime probably upwards of twenty million invaders have crossed our southern border on El Presidente Bush's watch. He and his compadres in Washington, DC have failed in their responsibilities as leaders of the American people.
I will tell you who they are listening to, they are listening to those thirty illegal alien invaders and damn what the American people want or need. The politicians say to hell with us because we are only bigots and racists and besides we know better what is good for America than 280 million Americans do. They are taking this great country down the road to destruction by their dishonorable actions and we need to commence to setting things right again. If they had any honor or integrity they would resign in mass. We have soldiers giving their lives for their country every day in Iraq and Afghanistan, defending this country on the front lines of freedom and here are our leaders permitting their country to be destroyed behind their backs. If this isn't the actions of a traitor what is it?
Millions of American workers and small businessmen are feeling the adverse affects of illegal immigration and who is El Presidente Bush listening to? He says give him an amnesty bill and he will sign it. Our southern border is complete chaos and what does he and his buddy Chertoff do? Why they take away a thousand of our border agents for other duties. Our border agents try to defend themselves and what happens? They go to jail. American citizens try to fix the illegal immigration problem and what happens? We are called names like racists and bigots and told to shut the hell up. A town somewhere passes laws to fix the problem, why some liberal group or judge will put a stop to it. And what happens when a small businessman puts a sign on his landscaping trailer that says "lawn services done with pride by an English speaking American" ? Why, he is threatened that he will be fired from his full time job if he doesn't remove it. Don't believe me? Ask Mike Gray of Littleton, Colorado. What happens to an American businessmen when he protests his business being stolen by illegal competition, well, in my case, I am handcuffed and taken to jail. And called a racist and bigot.
In America, anymore, white is black and black is white, everything is upside down. And it is all because of the worthless, so-called leaders of this country for refusing to lead and instead to force their own narrow-minded goals on the rest of us. In the process they have corrupted everything that made our country what it is. Our great institutions have been torn apart all because of the goddesses of political correctness and multiculturalism. Most of our economic base has moved overseas because of the almighty dollar. Millions of American workers are losing their jobs to illegal alien invaders. Social Security is going bankrupt, our education system is crashing and burning and all our leaders want to do is apply a band aid here and there. We say to close our border and limit illegal immigration and their response is amnesty. I say it is past time for the bums in Washington to resign and let the American people fix the problems that our leaders can't seem to deal with. I say it is time for the Mexican President to resign and move back to his country and take all of his illegal countrymen with him.