Published Thursday | January 24, 2008
Nebraska: LB 1170 to allow lawsuits against companies to recover cost of public services given to illegal immigrants
In the Legislature - ON THE FLOOR

• Illegal immigrants: Employers who "knowingly or recklessly" hire illegal immigrants could be hauled into court under a bill introduced Wednesday by State Sen. Tom White of Omaha.

Legislative Bill 1170 would allow lawsuits against such companies to recover the cost of public services provided to the immigrant workers and their families. Those services could include education, health care or assistance programs.

The Nebraska attorney general, political subdivisions or individual residents could file a lawsuit under the bill.

White said he expects that LB 1170 could be used by a school district facing an influx of immigrant children or a hospital receiving large numbers of uninsured immigrant patients.

He said his proposal would go a step further than one introduced on behalf of Gov. Dave Heineman. That bill would deny public benefits to illegal immigrants.