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    Proposed U.S. law upsets immigrants

    Proposed U.S. law upsets immigrants

    By Anwar Iqbal

    Washington, DC, May. 2 (UPI) -- Immigration lobbies are protesting a proposed bill, which would su Pro-immigration lobbies are protesting a proposed bill that they say would suspend the constitutional right to habeas corpus for the first time since the Civil War.

    Critics say the Real ID act, which is supported by the Bush administration, would permit the Department of Homeland Security to deport immigrants without basic protections against illegal deportation. The act, they say, would also allow the department to police borders without regard to domestic labor, environmental and other laws.

    The groups say the proposed law would mandate those seeking driver's licenses to prove their lawful immigration status to the Department of Motor Vehicles. Besides, they say, immigrants who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents would get an alternate driver's license, thereby creating a two-tier system.

    The Real ID Act, which is now being negotiated by a House-Senate conference committee, will also make it much harder for those fleeing political and religious persecution to find refuge in the United States. The act, its critics say, will further empower bounty hunters to detain even those foreigners whose status in the country has not been determined.

    Although the House of Representatives initially passed the proposed law, it was rejected in the Senate two weeks ago. If the conference committee approves it, it becomes law, however. President Bush has already indicated he will sign it.

    To ensure a quick passage, the bill has been attached to a supplemental appropriations package to fund troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and to fund tsunami relief efforts in Asia.

    Four Senate Republicans -- John McCain of Arizona, Sam Brownback of Kansas, John E. Sununu of New Hampshire and Lamar Alexander of Tennessee -- have urged lawmakers, however, not to attach the Real ID bill to the appropriations package and have called for a full Senate debate on the proposed legislation.

    The White House has, however, urged the passage of the bill.

    "The administration strongly urges the conferees to include the Real ID Act of 2005 in the final version of the bill," the White House Office of Management and Budget said in a letter to House and Senate conferees.

    Groups opposed to the proposal say, however, that it infringes on civil liberties.

    "In the name of national security, immigrants are being stripped of our basic rights," said Aarti Shahani of Families for Freedom, a multiethnic defense network for immigrants fighting deportation. "For the first time since the civil war, an entire class of people -- namely immigrants -- would be deprived of the constitutional right to habeas corpus."

    She said the Real ID was one of many attempts that "anti-immigrant forces in Congress have made to pass sweeping reforms, side-stepping a debate because they know the debate will be very controversial."

    Shahani said if the law passed, it will be the most radical immigration law in decades.

    "I can't think of anytime in the recent past that Congress voted to take away such a sweeping breath of immigrants' rights -- everything from the right to drive to the right to see a federal judge," she said.

    Shahani says the Bush administration is weakening the states by deciding to whom and how to issue driver's licenses. She and advocates around the country are urging those concerned to call the White House comment line to speak out against the proposal.

    On April 14, the New York Immigration Coalition, an umbrella organization for 150 groups that work with immigrants and refugees, sent a letter to Sens. Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer, both Democrats from New York, urging them "to take a strong public position against the Real ID Act and to do everything you can to stop this anti-immigrant proposal from passing in Congress."

    "Simply put," the letter read, "the REAL ID Act is blatantly anti-immigrant legislation masquerading as a national security initiative."

    Sponsors of the bill, which was written by Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner Jr., R-Wis., say the United States is being protected against future terrorist attacks by increasing restrictions on immigration. The perpetrators of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States were all Saudi nationals and in the country on student visas.

    Under the proposed bill, critics say, asylum-seekers will have an even more difficult time proving their cases. The legislation places a heavier burden on applicants to prove claims they are persecuted in their home countries. They would be expected to make persuasive cases of mistreatment, preferably with documented evidence.

    Judges who do not believe their claims could order them deported even before their appeals run out, and federal courts would no longer have recourse to step in, the critics say.

    "We are deeply disappointed that the Bush administration would so unequivocally embrace punitive measures that link all immigrants to terrorists," said Angela Kelley, deputy director of the National Immigration Forum, a leading pro-immigrant advocacy organization in Washington, which has been generally supportive of the Bush administration's call for comprehensive immigration reform.

    "REAL ID won't impact immigrants' behavior, except to have them drive without insurance or licenses, to cross the border in more dangerous places, or to live underground after fleeing from their oppressors," said Kelley.

    But those who believe in tighter restrictions say the asylum process is yet another way for terrorists or criminals to gain entry into the United States. They point to the cases of Mir Aimal Kasi and Ramzi Yousef, who committed terrorist attacks on U.S. soil after receiving asylum. Kasi later attacked and killed CIA employees in Langley, Va., while Yousef was involved in the first bombing attack on the World Trade Center.

    The Clinton administration tightened the asylum process in 1996. New asylum seekers were automatically detained, fingerprinted and photographed, before undergoing a lengthy hearing process.

    Between 1980 and 1996, anyone who entered the United States could claim persecution, ask for asylum and receive a permit to work legally in the United States while his or her claims were investigated. The process could take 10 years.

    That ended with the CIA shooting and the World Trade Center bombing. With tougher rules in place, the 140,000 people who applied for asylum in 1995 fell to about 30,000 last year. ... -8866r.htm
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  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    JP or RICK.....can you translate this? Might not be anything but I find it curious.



    La academia define al Hábeas corpus como al ¨ derecho de todo ciudadano, detenido o preso, a comparecer inmediata y públicamente ante un juez o tribunal para que, oyéndolo, resuelva si su arresto fue o no legal, y si debe alzarse o mantenerse¨.

    Antecedentes. Hábeas corpus quiere decir ¨que tengas el cuerpo¨, y tiene su origen en las actas que en Inglaterra garantizan la libertad individual, permitiendo a cualquier persona presa ilegalmente acudir a la High Court of Justice.

    El requerimiento va dirijido a toda clase de autoridades, lo que se trata de aclarar es, si ellas han adoptado o no esa medida dentro de su competencia y de manera legal.

    Como antecedentes remotos se pueden señalar el interdicto de liberis exhibendis et ducendis del antiguo Derecho Romano y el juicio de manifestación del derecho aragones medieval.

    Eficacia. El Hábeas corpus, para ser eficaz, requiere de un procedimiento de sumario en juicio no contradictorio. La autoridad requerida no tiene obligación de presentar inmediatamente al detenido, sino también de informar sobre los motivos de su detención.

    Denominación. En doctrina se ha discutido mucho la denominación procesal: para unos se trata de un recurso, mientras que para otros es una acción. Aunque esta ultima interpretación es la prevaleciente.

    En algunos paises solo garantiza la libertad individual, mientras que en otros ampara cualquier otro derecho constitucional, siempre que se carezca de otro medio legal para obtener la inmediata reparación. Es lo que constituye la ¨acción de amparo¨.


    Antecedentes del hábeas corpus

    Se trata de una acción posesoria que se ejerce sobre una cosa o bien, en virtud del dominiun que el "hombre libre" tiene sobre su cuerpo. Estamos frente a un derecho patrimonial, en que el cuerpo -equiparado auna cosa- por estar sometido a la voluntad del propietario, era recobrado por el mediante interdicto. El esclavo, en cambio, por carecer de dominio sobre su cuerpo, no podÃÂ*a ejercer el interdicto. De ahÃÂ* que éste se da sólo para el hombre libre que hubiere sido privado de tal condición por quien pretendÃÂ*a ser su amo.


    El fuero o juicio de manifestación instituido en 1428 en el reino de Aragón se puede tomar como el antecedente más inmediato del hábeas corpus. El sentido y la forma de lo que en la actualidad es el hábeas corpus.

    El hábeas corpus fue reconocido en Inglaterra por ley del año 1640.

    En nuestro sistema el recurso se da solamente contra actos de autoridades, pues si la detención es obra de un particular basta la denuncia ante un juez de la jurisdicción criminal, o bien ante la autoridad policial, para hacerla cesar.

    Mediante el juicio de manifestación de las personas se separaba a la autoridad para que no siguiera ejerciendo su acción sobre el manifestante. La persona detenida podÃÂ*a recurrir al justicia de Aragón, y examinado el juicio, quedaba en libertad, o en su defecto éste continuaba alojado en la cárcel a la espera del fallo definitivo y al amparo del justicia.

    El justicia de Aragón (juez supremo que podÃÂ*a juzgar al rey mismo) era el baluarte más firme y seguro contra la opresión y la arbitrariedad.

    Ningún ciudadano de cierta educación jurÃÂ*dica puede evocar sin admiración, en ese antiguo derecho aragonés, lo que fue el justicia de Aragón, la institución más gloriosa en la historia de la defensa de los derechos individuales y de la dignidad y entereza del poder judicial.


    En 1215 la Carta Magna estableció limitaciones al poder real y consagró el principio de la libertad individual. Es evidente la necesidad de garantizar la vigencia real de este derecho por medios rápidos, prácticos y eficientes. La Petición de Derechos de 1628 menciona el hábeas corpus viene a garantizar definitivamente este derecho.

    La ley de hábeas corpus de 1679 decÃÂ*a: " Si una persona es arrestada y detenida en tiempo de receso por cualquier delito tendrá derecho por sÃÂ*, o por otro en representación suya para dirigirse al lord canciller o cualquier otro juez o magistrado, los cuales, vistas las copias de los autos de prisión o previo el juramento de haber sido denegadas dichas copias, precediendo una petición por escrito de la persona detenida o de cualquiera otra en su lugar, confirmada por dos testigos presentes en el acto de entregarla, tiene la obligación de expedir un hábeas corpus que será remitido al lord canciller, juez o barón de los respectivos tribunales; y una vez presentado el writ; el funcionario o la persona a quien éste comisione presentará nuevamente el preso ante el lord canciller, los demás jueces o el designado por el susodicho writ; dando a conocer las causas de la prisión o detención, cumplidas estas disposiciones, en dos dÃÂ*as el lord canciller o cualquier otro juez pondrá en libertad al preso, recibiendo en garantÃÂ*a la suma que los jueces consideren conveniente, en atención a la calidad del preso o a la naturaleza del delito.

    La ley establece las penas al funcionario que no cumpla con el writ, como también la prohibición de volver a detener a la persona por el mismo delito, una vez puesto en libertad por hábeas corpus.

    La ley de 1679 reglaba el hábeas corpus sólo para casos criminales, luego, por ley de 1816, cosas civiles. En 1862, una ley amplió la jurisdicción, su aplicación se extendió a cualquier colonia inglesa en que hubiera magistrados en condiciones de emitir un writ de hábeas corpus.

    El hábeas corpus inglés es una institución que pone al amparo de los magistrados la libertad corporal del individuo.


    La constitución nacional

    En nuestra Constitución se omitió toda la referencia expresa del hábeas corpus.

    El artÃÂ*culo 18 establece que ningún jabotante de ña Nación puede ser arrestado sino en virtud de orden escrita de autoridad competente. El artÃÂ*culo 33 expresa que: "Las declaraciones, derechos y garantÃÂ*as, que enumera la Constitución, no serán entendidos como negaciónde otros derechos y garantÃÂ*as, no enumerados .

    El hábeas corpus ha sido institucionalizado por las constituciones provinciales y reglado por leyes nacionales y provinciales.

    La reforma constitucional de 1949 constitucionalizó el hábeas corpus en el artÃÂ*culo 29: "Todo habitante podrá interponer por sÃÂ* o por intermedio de sus parientes o amigos, recurso de hábeas corpus ante la autoridad judicial competente, restricción o amenaza a la libertad de su persona. El tribunal, comprobada la violación, hará cesar la restricción o la amenaza.


    La ley 23.098 del año 1984 , por el artÃÂ*culo 3º corresponde hábeas corpus cuando se denuncie un acto u omisión de autoridad pública, que implique la limitación o la amenaza de la libertad ambulatoria, sin orden escrita de autoridad competente; siendo igualmente, el caso de accionar por hábeas corpus, cuando se diera la circunstancia de que se agravara ilegÃÂ*timamente, la forma y condiciones en que se cumple la privación de la libertad (art. 4º)

    el hábeas corpus en los casos de limitación de la libertad dispuesta con motivo del estado de sitio (art. 23 de la Constitución Nacional) la acción podrá comprobar: la legitimidad del Estado de sitio; la correlación entre la orden de privación de la libertad y la situación que dio origen a la declaración del estado de sitio; agravación ilegÃÂ*tima de las condiciones de privación de la libertad; ejercicio del derecho de opción, artÃÂ*culo 23 de la Constitución.

    La acción de hábeas corpus podrá ser interpuesta por el interesado, o persona que lo haga en su favor (art. 5º). En los casos de hábeas corpus los jueces podrán declarar la inconstitucionalidad de un precepto legal (art. 6º). Se considerarán definitivas, las sentencias de los tribunales superiores, a efectos de del recurso extraordinario ante la Corte Suprema de la Nación (art. 7º).

    La ley nacional de hábeas corpus tiene vigencia en todo el territorio de la Nación, cualquiera sea el tribunal que la aplique. No obstante, la vigencia de la ley no impedirá la aplicación de las disposiciones constitucionales o legales de las provincias, cuando se considere más eficiente la protección del hábeas corpus (art. 1º).

    La aplicación del hábeas corpus corresponderá a los tribunales nacionales o provinciales (art. 2º).

    La denuncia de hábeas corpus podrá ser formulada oralmente o por escrito (art. 9º). El auto de hábeas corpus, determinará en el plazo que el juez fije, lapresentación del autordel acto lesivo, con un informe circunstaciado del motivo (arts. 11 y 12). La audiencia se realizará con la presencia de las partes citadas, siendo obligatoria la presencia del detenido (arts. 13 y 14).

    El juez admitirá o rechazará las pruebas ofrecidas en la audiencia. El juez oirá a los intervinientes (art. 15). Terminada la audiencia, el juez dictará inmediatamente la decisión (art. 17). Contra la decisión del juez, podrá apelarse por escrito u oralmente ante la Cámara (art. 19). Cuando se haga lugar a la denuncia, las costas del proceso serán a cargo del funcionario culpable (art. 23).

    Diferencias entre el amparo y el hábeas corpus:


    HabÃÂ*amos dicho que, se habÃÂ*a legislado en el orden federal y también en el provincial sobre el llamado recurso de hábeas corpus, como remedio rápido y fácil para quien se veÃÂ*a afectado en su libertad. Y, también, que en nuestra Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación, habÃÂ*a expresado: a) el hábeas corpus, sólo protege la libertad fÃÂ*sica o corporal, ante la detención ilegal o arbitraria; b) el hábeas corpus no es de aplicación, cuando se trata de los restantes derechos constitucionales no referidos a la libertad fÃÂ*sica; c) no siendo de aplicación el hábeas corpus, no existe otro instituto que proteja, en forma rápida y expeditiva, el goce y ejercicio de los restantes derechos constitucionales; d) los jueces no pueden arbitrar vÃÂ*as procesales no reguladas en las leyes de competencia.

    Cuando se lleva a cabo la creación jurisprudencial del amparo por la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación, se expresan los fundamentos del nuevo instituto, que hemos resumido en estos puntos: 1.- Procede el amparo para tutelar los derechos constitucionales, con excepción de la libertad fÃÂ*sica protegida por el hábeas corpus. 2.- No puede ser obstáculo para la aplicación del amparo su falta de reglamentación procesal, aplicándose en cuanto sea posible el trámite del hábeas corpus. 3.- El amparo protege contra actos del Estado y también contra actos de los particulares. 4.- El amparo procede no obstante la existencia de vÃÂ*a procesal ordinaria, si el trámite lento de ésta puede producir daño irreparable.

    Nuestra acción de hábeas corpus garantiza la libertad fÃÂ*sica o corporal ante la detención ilegal o arbitraria. Además el hábeas corpus se da sólo contra el Estado y no contra los particulares

    La acción de amparo garantiza los derechos constitucionales con excepción de la libertad fÃÂ*sica y se da no sólo contra el Estado, sino también contra los particulares.

    Resulta claro, entonces, que el hábeas corpus garantiza la libertad fÃÂ*sica, y que el amparo hace lo propio respecto de los restantes derechos constitucionales.

    El hábeas corpus no exige más que el examen de la causa de detención y la competencia de la autoridad. El amparo obliga, en general, a examinar la legitimidad de los actos administrativos, en controversia con la administración. Por eso, sin duda, la Corte Suprema ha resuelto como hábeas corpus algunos casos llamados de "amparo".

    Entre nosotros, no puede haber lugar alguno a confusión entre amparo y hábeas corpus.


    Se llama acción de amparo a la acción judicial que puede iniciar una persona para solicitar a la justicia la protección de urgente ("sumaria") de cualquiera de sus derechos individuales cuyo ejercicio le fuese desconocido o estuviese por serlo -en forma ilegal o arbitraria- ya fuese por una autoridad pública o por un particular.

    * La acción de amparo sólo puede iniciarse cuando no existe otro camino legal para hacer valer el derecho violado o amenazado.

    Corresponde iniciar una acción de amparo cuando el ejercicio de un derecho reconocido por la Constitución, por un tratado internacional o por una ley, se vea amenazado, restringido o alterado -en forma actual o inminente- por un acto o una omisión de una autoridad pública o hasta de un particular.

    * No incluyer la defensa de la libertad fÃÂ*sica o ambulatoria, que es protegida por otra acción: el hábeas corpus.

    La acción de amparo fue incluida en la Constitución Nacional por la reforma de 1994. Se encuentra legislada en el orden nacional por la ley 16.986.


    Es una acción judicial que puede iniciar una persona para que organismos -públicos o privados- fque posean datos o información sobre ella, se los hagan conocer y expliquen la razón por la que los poseen y los fines a los que destinan esa información.

    Si se comprobara que esos datos son falsos o que se los ha reunido con fines discriminatorios, la persona afectada podrá exigir su supresión (mediante la eliminación total o parcial del archivo respectivo), o la rectificación de los datos cuestionados. También puede exigirse la confidencialidad de esos datos (o sea , que no se hagan públicos).

    Como ejemplos de este tipo de almacenamiento de datos a los que se aplica la acción de hábeas data podemos citar los archivos policiales, los pertenecientes a servicios de inteligencia estatal, legajos de personal de empresas privadas, etc.

    Esta norma constitucional responde a la experiencia histórica y a una realidad social: frecuentemente organismos púúblicos y privados almacenan datos sobre sus empleados, sobre adversarios polÃÂ*ticos, etc., sin conocimiento de los mismos y utilizándolos arbitrariamente en su perjuicio. AsÃÂ* por ejemplo, una empresa podrÃÂ*a utilizar datos sobre la salud de sus operarios -aun sin que ellos lo sepan- y discriminarlos si padecen, por ejemplo, una enfermedad grave.

    Es importante saber que el ejercicio de la acción de hábeas data -según lo establece la Constitución Nacional- no pueda aplicarse para revelar el secreto de las fuentes de información periodÃÂ*sticas: en caso contrario, significarÃÂ*a una restricción a la libertad de prensa, expresamente protegida por nuestra ley fundamental.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    These organizations crying "habeas corpus" are shrilling "hocus pocus"!!

    We've been there, done that.

    Now, it's time to enforce the law.

    Illegal aliens have no civil rights under our Constitution other than human rights which is limited to the rights of a prisoner and deportation.

    I say...."Shaazaaaaaam, AlienBeGone"!
    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

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  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Judy, that would make a good bumper sticker.

    "Shaazaaaaaam, AlienBeGone"
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  5. #5
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    Thanks Charles!!
    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

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  6. #6
    Senior Member jp_48504's Avatar
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    The academy defines to the Hábeas corpus like a ¨ straight of all citizen, stopped or imprisoned, to appear immediately and publicly before a judge or court so that, oyendo it, it solves if its arrest were or nonlegal, and if it must be raised or mantenerse¨.

    Antecedents. Hábeas corpus means ¨que you have cuerpo¨, and has its origin in the acts that in England guarantee the individual freedom, allowing any imprisoned person illegally to go to the High Court of Justice.

    The requirement goes dirijido to all class of authorities, which is to clarify is, if they have adopted or not that measurement within their competition and of legal way.

    As antecedent remote they are possible to be indicated I interdictate of liberis exhibendis ET ducendis of old the Straight Roman one and the judgment of manifestation of the medieval right aragones.

    Effectiveness. The Hábeas corpus, to be effective, requires of a procedure of summary in noncontradictory judgment. The required authority does not have obligation to immediately present/display the prisoner, but also to inform on the reasons for its halting.

    Denomination. In doctrine the procedural denomination has been discussed to much: for one is a resource, whereas for others it is an action. Although this completes interpretation is the prevaleciente.

    In some paises single guarantees the individual freedom, whereas in others it protects any other constitutional right, whenever it is lacked another legal means to obtain the immediate repair. It is what ¨ constitutes the ¨acción ofshelter.


    Antecedents of the hábeas corpus

    One is a possessory action that is exerted on a thing or, by virtue of dominiun that the "free man " has on his body. We are as opposed to a patrimonial right, in which the body - compared auna thing to be put under the will of the proprietor, was recovered by by means of I interdictate. The slave, however, to lack dominion on his body, could not exert I interdictate. For that reason this one occurs only for the free man who will have been private of such condition by that he tried to be his master.


    The law or judgment of manifestation instituted in 1428 in the kingdom of Aragón can be taken like the immediate antecedent from the hábeas corpus. The sense and the form of which at the present time corpus is the hábeas.

    The hábeas corpus was recognized in England by law of year 1640.

    In our system the resource only occurs against acts of authorities, because if the halting is work of a coarse individual the denunciation before a judge of the criminal jurisdiction, or before the police authority, to make stop it.

    By means of the judgment of manifestation of the people one separated the authority so that it did not continue exerting his action on the demonstrator. The lengthy person could resort to the justice of Aragón, and examined the judgment, it was in freedom, or in its defect this one continued lodged in the jail to the delay of the definitive failure and to the shelter of justice.

    The justice of Aragón (supreme judge that could judge the same king) was the firmest and safe bastion against the oppression and the abuse.

    No citizen of certain legal education can evoke without admiration, in that old straight Aragonese one, which was the justice of Aragón, the most glorious institution in the history of the defense of the individual rights and the dignity and entereza of the judicial power.


    In 1215 the Magna Carta established limitations to the real power and consecrated the principle of the individual freedom. The necessity is evident to guarantee the real use of this right by average expresses, efficient practitioners and. The Request of Rights of 1628 mentions the hábeas corpus comes to guarantee definitively this right.

    The law of hábeas corpus of 1679 said: "If a person is arrested and stopped in time of receso by any crime she has right by himself, or another one in representation hers to go to lord chancellor or any other judge or magistrate, who, seen copies of the previous arrest warrants or the oath of be denied these copies, preceding a request in writing of the lengthy person or any other in its place, confirmed by two present witnesses in the act to give it, has the obligation to send hábeas corpus that will be sent to lord chancellor, judge or baron of the respective courts; and once presented/displayed writ; the civil employee or the person to whom this one comisione will again present/display the prisoner before lord chancellor, the other judges or the designated one by aforesaid writ; presenting the causes the prison or halting, fulfilled these dispositions, in two days lord chancellor or any other judge will set free to the prisoner, receiving in guarantee the sum that the judges consider advisable, in attention to the quality of the prisoner or the nature of the crime.

    The law establishes the pains to the civil employee who does not fulfill writ, like also the prohibition to return to stop to the person by the same crime, once set free by hábeas corpus.

    The 1679 law regulated the hábeas corpus only for criminal cases, soon, by 1816 law, civil things. In 1862, a law extended the jurisdiction, its application extended any English colony in which corpus were magistrates in conditions for emitting writ of hábeas.

    The hábeas corpus English is an institution that puts the magistrates under protection of the corporal freedom of the individual.


    The national constitution

    In our Constitution all the express reference of the hábeas was omitted corpus.

    Article 18 establishes that no jabotante of ña Nation can be arrested but by virtue of written order of competent authority. Article 33 expresses that: "the declarations, rights and guarantees, that the Constitution enumerates , will not be understood like negaciónde other rights and guarantees, not enumerated.

    The hábeas corpus has been institutionalized by the provincial constitutions and regulated by national and provincial laws.

    The constitutional reform of 1949 constitucionalizó the hábeas corpus in article 29: "All inhabitant will be able to interpose by himself or interval of his relatives or friends, resource of hábeas corpus before the competent judicial authority, restriction or threatens the freedom of his person. The court, verified the violation, will make stop the restriction or the threat.


    Law 23,098 of year 1984, by article 3º corresponds hábeas corpus when it denounces an act or omission of public authority, that implies the limitation or the threat of the ambulatory freedom, without written order of competent authority; being also, the case of driving by hábeas corpus, when one occurred the circumstance that one worsened ilegÃÂ*timamente, the form and conditions in which the deprivation of the freedom is fulfilled (art. 4º)

    the hábeas corpus in the cases of limitation of the freedom ready in the occasion of the state of siege (art. 23 of the National Constitution) the action will be able to verify: the legitimacy of the State of siege ; the correlation between the order of deprivation of the freedom and the situation that origin issued to the declaration of the state of siege ; aggravation ilegÃÂ*tima of the conditions of deprivation of the freedom; exercise of the option right, article 23 of the Constitution.

    The action of hábeas corpus could be interposed by the interested one, or person that does it in its favor (art. 5º). In the cases of hábeas corpus the judges will be able to declare the unconstitutionality of a legal rule (art. 6º). They will consider themselves definitive, the sentences of the superior courts, with the object of of the extraordinary resource before the Supreme Court of the Nation (art. 7º).

    The national law of hábeas corpus has use in all the territory of the Nation, anyone is the court who applies it. However, the use of the law will not prevent the application of the constitutional or legal dispositions of the provinces, when the protection of the hábeas is considered more efficient corpus (art. 1º).

    The application of the hábeas corpus will correspond to the national or provincial courts (art. 2º).

    The denunciation of hábeas corpus could in writing be formulated orally or (art. 9º). The car of hábeas corpus, will determine in the term that the judge fixes, lapresentación of autordel harmful act, with a circunstaciado report of the reason (arts. 11 and 12). The hearing will be made with the presence of the mentioned parts, being obligatory the presence of the prisoner (arts. 13 and 14).

    The judge will admit or reject the tests offered in the hearing. The judge will hear the participants (art. 15). Finished the hearing, the judge will dictate the decision immediately (art. 17). Against the decision of the judge, he will be able to appeal itself in writing or orally before the Camera (art. 19). When place to the denunciation becomes, the coasts of the process will be in charge of the guilty civil employee (art. 23).

    Differences between the shelter and the hábeas corpus:


    We had said that, had been legislated in the federal order and also in provincial on the call the resource of hábeas corpus, like fast and easy remedy for that was affected in its freedom. And, also, that in our Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, had expressed: a) the hábeas corpus, only protects the physical or corporal freedom, before the illegal or arbitrary halting; b) the hábeas corpus is not of application, when it is the constitutional right rest not referred the physical freedom; c) not being of application the hábeas corpus, does not exist another institute that it protects, in fast and expeditious form, the enjoyment and exercise of the constitutional right rest; d) the judges cannot arbitrate not regulated procedural routes in the competition laws .

    When the jurisprudencial creation of the shelter by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation is carried out, the foundations of the new institute are expressed, that we have summarized in these points: 1. - The shelter comes tutelary the constitutional rights, with exception of the physical freedom protected by the hábeas corpus. 2. - Its lack of procedural regulation cannot be obstacle for the application of the shelter, being applied as soon as the proceeding of the hábeas is possible corpus. 3. - The shelter also protects against acts of the State and against acts of the individuals. 4. - The shelter comes despite the existence of ordinary procedural route, if the slow proceeding of this one can produce irreparable damage.

    Our action of hábeas corpus guarantees the physical or corporal freedom before the illegal or arbitrary halting. In addition the hábeas corpus occurs only against the State and not against the individuals.

    The shelter action guarantees the constitutional rights with exception of the physical freedom and it occurs not only against the State, but also against the individuals.

    It is sure then, that the hábeas corpus guarantees the physical freedom, and that the shelter makes the own respect to the constitutional right rest.

    The hábeas corpus does not demand more than the examination of the halting cause and the competition of the authority. The shelter forces, in general, to examine the legitimacy of the administrative acts, in controversy with the administration. For that reason, without a doubt, the Supreme Court it has solved like hábeas corpus some called cases of "shelter".

    Between us, some to confusion between shelter and hábeas cannot have place corpus.


    Shelter action is called to the legal action that can initiate a person to ask for to justice the protection of urgent ("it indicts") of anyone of its individual rights whose exercise was not known to him or was in favor of being it - in illegal or arbitrary form or it was by a public authority or an individual.

    * The shelter action only can begin when another legal way does not exist to make be worth the violet or threatened right.

    It corresponds to initiate a shelter action when the exercise of a right recognized by the Constitution, by an international treaty or by a law, one is threatened, restricted or altered - in present or imminent form by an act or an omission of a public authority or until of an individual.

    * Not to incluyer the defense of the physical or ambulatory freedom, that is protected by another action: the hábeas corpus.

    The shelter action was including in the National Constitution by the 1994 reform. One is legislated in the national order by law 16.986.


    It is a legal action that can initiate a person so that organisms - public or deprived fque have data or information on her, are made it know and explained the reason for which they have them and the aims to which they destine that information.

    If she verified herself that those data are false or that has met them with discriminatory aims, the affected person will be able to demand her suppression (by means of the total or partial elimination of the respective file), or the rectification of the questioned data. Also the confidentiality of those data can be demanded (that is, that do not become public).

    Like examples of this type of storage of hábeas data to which it is applied the action of data we can mention the police archives, pertaining to state intelligence services , the legajos of personnel of deprived companies, etc.

    This constitutional norm responds to the historical experience and to a social reality: frequently púúblicos and deprived organisms store data on their employees, political adversaries, etc., without knowledge of such and using them arbitrarily in their damage. Thus for example, a company could even use data on the health of its workers - without they know it and to discriminate them if they suffer, for example, a serious disease.

    It is important to know that the exercise of the action of hábeas dates - according to it establishes the National Constitution cannot be applied to divulge the secret of the journalistic sources of intelligence : in opposite case, it would mean a restriction to the freedom of press, specifically protected by our fundamental law.
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  7. #7
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    Looks like this was pertaining to Argentina? I had wondered if it was "directions" of some kind to Hispanics in the US. Appreciate your time.
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    Bring Back Our Husbands

    by Barbara Facey & Carol McDonald.

    We have not seen our husbands since September 2003. Homeland Security took them away without warning, maybe forever... We are now single mothers, fighting to keep our children, our jobs and our homes -- and on the verge of losing our minds... More

    Deportation Is a Life Sentence

    By Maria Muentes.
    El Diario La Prensa

    In 1996, a Republican Congress and Democratic President changed the law, so that 1 million people would end up being deported. One million black and brown people exiled for life. One million families torn apart. The criminal justice system doesn't just eat up black and brown people from our communities. If you are an immigrant, it spits you out to another country you may have never known...

    The Problem

    A crisis is erupting in immigrant communities and there is a war against us. The weapons of choice: detention and deportation. In 1996, with the stroke of a pen, then-President Bill Clinton signed two bills that would be remembered notoriously as the 1996 immigration laws. The laws made whole classes of people detainable and deportable. Since 1996 over one million immigrants have been deported. ...more

    DEPORTATION HIGHLIGHTS – 1996 thru 2002
    (Source: Immigration and Naturalization Service Statistical Yearbook)

    Chinese 3,517 Guatemalans 27,386 Jamaicans 12,938 Colombians 13,686
    Haitians 3,184 Koreans 1,457 Dominicans 21,222 Hondurans 28,811
    Mexicans 826,785 Filipinos 3,347 Indians 2,415 Nigerians 2,987
    Total: over 1 MILLION
    more facts...

    Our Solution

    Founded in September 2002, Families for Freedom is a New York-based multi-ethnic defense network by and for immigrants facing and fighting deportation. We are immigrant prisoners (detainees), former immigrant prisoners, their loved ones, or individuals at risk of deportation. We come from Latin America, the Caribbean, and South Asia. Families seeks to repeal the laws that are tearing apart our homes and neighborhoods; and to build the power of immigrant communities – as communities of color – to provide a guiding voice in the growing movement for immigrant rights as human rights. Most immediately, we fight to STOP DEPORTATION NOW!!!

    Good Post Rickey....

    Human Rights....are different than Civil Rights.

    Human Rights don't allow you to enter the United States illegally.

    Civil Rights are secured for American Citizens subject to our jurisdiction and governed by our Constitution.

    You may be deported if...
    Know Your Rights!
    ¡Sepa Tus Derechos!

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  10. #10
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    Not to worry-for life here just means until they're able to get the next ticket on the border buster express.Couple weeks at the most.

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