Will Illegal Immigration Cause Our Medical System To Collapse?
Jul 3 2007 12:00AM
It might. At least in our border states, and it might happen sooner than you think.

Now that our political leaders have failed to do ANYTHING pertaining to immigration (again) and their pet bill - that almost nobody else wanted - has failed miserably I thought I would throw some more information pertaining to illegal immigration out there that will make you crazy enough to boil someone’s bunny.

Here are some interesting stats from Parkland Hospital in Dallas. Parkland, of course, is where JFK died, followed by Oswald and Ruby. It also has one of the premier maternity wards in the country and one of the busiest. They deliver 16,000 babies a year which breaks down to 44 a day, every single day. Now here’s the bunny boiling part:

According to a patient survey nearly seventy percent of the babies delivered in the first quarter of 2006 were delivered to illegail immigrants. Yikes. Do the math on that one. And while you’re doing the necessary math to figure out how many “anchor babiesâ€