Puppets of the Globalists:

President George W. Bush stands with Mexican President Felipe Calderon, left, and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper upon their arrival for dinner Monday, Aug. 20, 2007, during the North American Leaders' Summit at the Fairmont Le Chateau Montebello in Montebello, Canada. White House photo by Chris Greenberg

SPP Summit Hangover – The North American Union Agenda Continues

Dana Gabriel
Stop Lying
Friday Aug 24, 2007
http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/au ... 807SPP.htm

The Security and Prosperity Partnership summit has come and gone, and for many it was the first time they had heard of the SPP or a North American Union. Some in the Canadian media did expose the SPP's lack of transparency, while others continue to downplay its importance. Awareness and opposition in Canada is at an all time high, and we must ensure that this issue remains at the forefront. Prime Minister Stephen Harper is at a disadvantage with a minority government, therefore it remains in his best interest to keep the SPP process as secretive as possible. This may be increasingly more difficult to do as it has seen the light of day. Just as the Free Trade Agreement was the defining issue in the 1988 Federal election, the SPP could make or break Harper and the Conservatives. Unfortunately, little would change under a Liberal government as it was then former Prime Minister Paul Martin who first agreed to the SPP initiative. Although some of the names have changed, the agenda remains the same.

We are living in the first stages of a NAU, and the police state images from the summit were disturbing. We can expect more of the same if we don't defeat this evil. The scenes were reminiscent of a fascist tyrannical state with police in riot gear and checkpoints everywhere. Intimidation was used to try and quell dissent, and as a result many were discouraged from protesting and exercising their right to free speech. Just as some had warned of the possibility of provocateurs, including myself, it appears as if a video on You Tube lays proof to this claim. It shows a small crowd of mostly middle-aged peaceful protesters holding a line and exposing some anarchist as possible provocateurs. One of the so called anarchists had a rock in his hand, and there can be little doubt that his intentions were to provoke an incident. CEP union president Dave Coles is the one at the center of the video and said, “I accused them of being police, and every time I yelled at them that they were police, you could tell by their facial expressions that they were really troubled.â€