If this has been posted already, please delete. And "technology" is ok to help secure the border, as long as it's accompanied by good old double or triple-layered solid fencing.

Boeing changes oversight of border project: report
Thu Aug 23, 2007 12:56AM EDT
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Boeing Co has changed management of an electronic surveillance project along the U.S.-Mexican border after falling more than two months behind schedule, the Wall Street Journal reported in its online edition early on Thursday.

Boeing has in recent days named executive Daniel Korte to head the project, part of a larger Department of Homeland Security program called SBInet, the Journal reported.

Jerry McElwee, who had been overseeing SBInet, is working with Korte during the transition and remains at the company's advanced systems group, according to the report. McElwee's next assignment has not been announced, the Journal said.

The project is part of a plan to use technology to monitor the borders for illegal immigrants, drug smugglers and possible terrorists, according to the Journal.

A Boeing spokesman was not immediately available for comment.

(Reporting by Lewis Krauskopf)

http://www.reuters.com/article/domestic ... 22&sp=true