Radio Host Talks Tough On Immigration
Fri Apr 6, 5:32 PM ET

Nationally-syndicated radio talk show Mike Gallagher told a Greenville audience that Americans are fed up with illegal immigration and it is time for the nation's leaders to begin paying attention.

Gallagher spoke to a crowd of about 600 Thursday night at the Hyatt Regency as part of radio station WORD's speakers series.

Gallagher called on Congress and President George W. Bush to secure the border.

"The Senate and the House voted to put up a fence, and now they say there won't be a fence," Gallagher said. "President Bush says he wants to be tough on the borders and it doesn't seem like we're being tough on the borders."

Gallagher, whose show airs at 10 a.m. weekdays on WORD, is a former Greenville resident and local radio host.

Estimates are that there are 12 million illegal immigrants now in the United States.

According to a recent USA Today/Gallup poll of issues Republicans want Congress and the president to address, immigration ranks fourth.

But most presidential candidate are steering clear of the topic.

"Immigration seems to be on the mind of voters -- less so on the minds of presidential candidates," Greenville News political writer Dan Hoover said. "It seems to be such an insoluble issue that they'd rather not address it or address it only when pressed."