Tom Tancredo was interviewed on "The Tavis Smiley Show" (Calif. PBS),
which just aired in my area. I did not see all of it, but he said that,
despite the President's speech:
1. The "Republican center" against Amnesty was still holding
strong: I gather he meant both in the Senate and in the House; and
2. The "situation in the Senate remains volatile". He also said
that, because of the "peculiar rules of the Senate", it would take only
"a few Repulicans to filibuster" against Amnesty, and block the
proceedings! ( I believe I read that possibility mentioned in an earlier
post here.) So, maybe the Senate is not such a completely "done deal"
as we feared, and there are still positive possibilities to be considered!

Tancredo was also a main guest on "The News Hour with Jim Lehrer"
(PBS) Tue. night together with Linda Sanchez of California. He is
always so great!