Letter from Porterville, CA, resident to Sen. Feinstein tells of hundreds of new textbooks being discarded because they are in ENGLISH!

In one school: 200+ books times $120 each = $24,000+ wasted.

Let me share something really alarming and wrong with our state. I was at a high school in the central valley last year towards the end of the year. In a room on a table were hundreds of brand new text books, algebra and biology. I was puzzled why, as this was not the biology or math room. I opened a book and looked at the copyright 2003 and 2005. These books were brand new and were not damaged in any way. I asked why were these books on the table, and the response was, "they are headed to the dumpster". My jaw dropped. I asked why? I was told because they are not in Spanish. I still to this day can not believe what I saw. I looked up the cost of each of these books, online, the average cost of the two books were $120 per book. They tossed hundreds. The taxpayers for this one school in the blink of an eye tossed a couple thousand dollars of taxpayer's dollars in the trash. Why because we are not forcing illegal's to learn English. Until we force them who chose to come here and break the law, nothing is going to change.