Montgomery County Sentinel 2/13/09 (Maryland, boarders Washington DC)

The 2009 Legislative session in Annapolis is off to a predictable start. Democratic "leaders" on the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee for example, are making the usual shrill sounds about how the federal REAL ID Act, which will limit Maryland drivers' licenses to citizens and legal immigrants, just won't work.

Committee Chairman Senator Brian Frosh (D-Montgomery) believes that REAL ID is a tremendous financial burden on taxpayers despite the known benefits of deterring terrorism and removing illegal aliens from our roadways. Senator Jennie Forehand (D-Montgomery County) is quoted in the Examiner ("REAL ID plans face challenges" 1/22/09), making the shocking statement "In those 47 states [that require drivers to have legal status], I bet there are a lot of people driving without licenses". What?? Ms. Forehand must have been proud that the 9/11 terrorists had multiple drivers' licenses not only useful to drive cars but to board and fly the friendly skies above New York and Pennsylvania.

Frosh and Forehand, joined by the relentless illegal alien cheerleader Delegate Ana Sol Gutierrez (D-Montgomery) are somehow pleased that Maryland is one of the last remaining states not to cutoff licenses to illegal aliens. These three elected officials also have no qualms about killing REAL ID outright, even if it means Maryland drivers' license holders will not be able to enter federal buildings or use their licenses to fly on airplanes. Even Governor O'Malley who consistently welcomes illegal aliens to our state is finally getting religion on implementing REAL ID.

Gutierrez is now floating a plan in Annapolis to force the Maryland MVA to devise a costly two-tier system of licenses. One for citizens that is REAL ID compliant and one for illegal aliens so they can continue to drive to work, earn tax free wages and conveniently travel to CASA of Maryland taxpayer funded service centers for guidance and assistance. Some unscrupulous illegal aliens will truly praise Gutierrez's plan which will allow them to continue to utilize their lawless skills of burglary and murder while driving from location to location with impunity.

When unemployment, crime, home and business forecloses, and state/county budget deficits continue to rise, taxpayers must seriously scrutinize the spending decisions and overall "thinking" coming out of Annapolis. It is not a pretty and clearly change is needed.

Help Save Maryland, a number of citizen minded legislators and national organizations are hosting a citizens' rally, "Making Maryland Safe for Citizens" at Lawyers Mall in Annapolis on Monday, February 16, 6-8pm. REAL ID and a number of other pro-Maryland, pro-citizen topics will be raised to help educate Frosh, Forehand, Gutierrez and others on what their legislative priorities should be.

Brad Botwin, Director
Help Save Maryland