Really, some Latinos want immigration restrictions
Maria Anglin - Maria Anglin
Web Posted: 07/11/2010 12:00 CDT

Comments 48

For those who enjoy playing identity politics, here's a curve: There are a lot of Mexican Americans who support Arizona's SB 1070.

Some are even highly vocal about their support in — get this — Spanish.

Their reasons are the same as they are for many non-Latinos: Entering the country illegally is an unfair shortcut that shows a fundamental disrespect for the laws of the land they're entering. Illegal immigrants place a burden on the systems financed by the American taxpayer, whose coins operate schools, hospitals, prisons and the WIC clinics.

These lawbreakers aren't just tarring roofs and mowing lawns, either. Highly motivated immigrants and their children smuggled into the country as toddlers often assimilate like champs and go undetected until they become poster children for the Dream Act or are better qualified for job opportunities than the not-so-hungry American next door.

And that's not all.

There are many Mexican Americans who see SB 1070 as a move necessary to defend their nation because the system is broken and the feds don't seem to be in any hurry to fix it. Some of these people stood in the figurative “entryâ€