Liberals are to blame for America's problems
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Article Launched: 09/18/2007 06:16:29 AM PDT

Was anyone surprised by the words of encouragement expressed by Osama Bin Laden for the "in-control" Democratic party.

I wasn't.

The Democrats are the party of betrayal, just as they were in Vietnam, where they successfully snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. They are doing the same thing in Iraq. It's all about politics. About power. About getting re-elected.

A close friend pointed out to me that there are about 600 separate "investigations" going on in Washington today. Threatened Republicans are turning against their party, their president and their values (if they had any). So, it isn't just the Democrats, although they are leading the betrayal charge.

In a way, it's symptomatic of the political decay almost everywhere in America.

Not only are politicians and bureaucrats unwilling to support our country, they are unwilling to enforce our laws. Most directly, I am talking about illegal immigrants. Politicians and bureaucrats turn their eyes away here in California because they are also Latino.

The cost to all of us is huge.

Up to a third of the inmates in our California prisons are illegal aliens.

In Dallas, 70 percent of childbirths at one major hospital are to illegals, some of whom do not pay. The children automatically be-come citizens at birth.

As a nation, we have adapted our education system and curriculum to accommodate the illegals.

Here in California, federal judges make decisions that threaten the health and welfare of our citizens for the benefit of small fish. The food supply is threatened. Almost 45 percent of our personal income goes to taxes.

I could go on and on - maybe even write a book about the collapse of American values centered in the politics of liberal Democrats.

What to do? I honestly don't know. If we continue to lose control of our government, we may self-destruct. It may already be too late.

I think what it will take is the collaboration of many concerned American citizens to replace the self-serving politicians with Americans who actually want to serve the people.

To be sure, it is easier said than done. But the life of America may depend on doing it soon. It amounts to a nonviolent revolution. A return to the rule of law. A return to the fundamentals of our Constitution.

I am not a lone voice calling out. Most of my friends have expressed the same concerns.

Murray Bass, Suisun City