Sali, Minnick campaigns spar about immigration
Bryan Dooley
Sunday, October 12th, 2008

BOISE — Congressman Bill Sali’s campaign claims comments made by opponent Walt Minnick suggest the Democrat supports insurance for illegal immigrants at taxpayer expense.

The comments, recorded on video at a Sun Valley fundraiser, have been circulated by a group called Club for Truth that describes itself in an e-mail as a Washington, D.C.-based Web site not sponsored by any congressional candidate or political action committee.

In the video, Minnick remarks: “My own view is, it doesn’t make sense to try to round up, arrest and deport 12 to 20 million people. There aren’t enough police officers; there aren’t enough jails; it isn’t possible to do that.

“It would make sense to give them an incentive to emerge from the shadows, start paying taxes, start getting insurance, pay a penalty because they have violated the law and put ‘em in the back of the line for legal immigration ...â€