Revived Immigration Debate Sparks Massive Responses

As legislators negotiate how to revive an immigration bill, the once largely mum American public is using the second chance to campaign and organize massive rallies to voice their opinions in the likelihood that the controversial bill will resurface on the Senate floor in the near future.

Thu, Jun. 14, 2007 Posted: 13:27:54 PM EST


WASHINGTON – As legislators negotiate how to revive an immigration bill, the once largely mum American public is using the second chance to campaign and organize massive rallies to voice their opinions in the likelihood that the controversial bill will resurface on the Senate floor in the near future.

Both supporters and opponents of the immigration reform bill began to campaign or stage rallies this week to make their voices heard in the nation’s capital.

A group of grassroots advocates kicked-off the first of their three-day March for America rally at the Washington National Monument on Thursday. During the rally, participants will urge Congress to enact tougher laws against illegal immigrants.

Some of the major concerns of the protestors include border security, rising crime rates, overstretched schools and hospital, job loss, and the Spanish dominating American society.

“All of this is adding up, and it’s making America mad,â€