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Thread: A Rising Storm

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  1. #1
    Senior Member AirborneSapper7's Avatar
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    A Rising Storm

    A Rising Storm
    By Edgar J. Steele

    Whatsa matter, Bunky? Having trouble making ends meet? Sick of the cost of everything going up while your income actually goes down? Laid off? House equity shot? Borrowed up to the gills with all your credit cards maxed out? Now you can't afford food, you say?
    Well, here's a big part of the reason why. $36,000 flows to each illegal alien family in America, each and every year (see the first article reproduced below). If that doesn't sound like much, consider that, with perhaps 80 million tax-paying households in America (yours being one of them, of course), each and every one of our households pays $4,325 each and every year toward that $36,000 that each illegal alien family receives.

    Did you net $36,000 after taxes last year? Neither did I. But they did. No wonder they keep flooding over that border. Wouldn't you?

    American Health Care in Crisis

    My son took my little girl to the local hospital emergency room a few weeks ago with a severe asthma attack. Pretty much a routine, in-and-out affair. Used to be, that might cost $100, or about twice what a doctor visit might cost. Total bill this time? Over $750! Guess why? Jose uses the Emergency Room freely as his doctor's office because Federal law requires our hospitals to treat his family there, whether or not they are able to pay. We already pay for Jose in increased insurance premiums, but we also pay for him when we dare to use it, in outrageous charges.

    I have a $5,000-deductible health insurance plan, which means that I provide my family insurance coverage only for catastrophic events. I can't really afford it, but figure that I can't be without insurance altogether, just as so many Americans have been forced to do without. That means I must pay my little girl's ER visit of $750 out of my pocket, just as if I had no insurance at all. Thanks, Jose.
    Jose's family is netting $36,000 after taxes (that they don't pay, of course) and getting free medical care. You and I net less and pay for Jose's free medical care that we cannot afford. We can't afford to go to the ER anymore, folks, face it. In fact, we can't really afford medical insurance anymore, either.

    All other things being equal, we might as well nationalize all of America's health care. Socialized medicine would be better than no medicine, which is what so many of us now have, in effect.

    Food Riots and Kidneys

    Now begin the reports about food prices skyrocketing and there being actual shortages in places around America (see the second article below), with genuine food riots taking place in other countries. Jose gets food stamps for his family, of course, and you can bet he is at the head of the line for Agriculture Department food handouts.
    And Jose gets to send his kids to college anywhere he wants, with no out-of-state tuition charges and, likely, no charges whatsoever since they get preference over our kids for grants and scholarships (not to mention admissions). I can't afford to send my little girl out of state to the college she really wants because of non-resident tuition charges. Idaho, as you might imagine, offers little in the way of higher education.
    And, in LA, there is that illegal alien girl demanding her third kidney transplant (see the third story below) ... for free, of course (over a half million dollars for each one of the procedures). Because we did the first two for her years ago for free, we owe her this one, too, she says. What's worse is that it looks like she will get it. Meanwhile many Americans on kidney waiting lists die for lack of a donor kidney.
    I don't know about you, but I am fed up with being a second- or third-class citizen in my own country, with racial preferences pushing Negroes and Mestizos ahead of my family, all while I am forced to pay for their good fortune. And my money is taken at a time that forces me and mine to do without because of the rising cost of everything.

    Each of the three "candidates" chosen for us to "vote" upon for President this time has pledged, if elected, to grant amnesty in one form or another to all these illegals.


    Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops, yet 29% are on welfare, acknowledges our government grudgingly.

    The US Senate voted to grant social security benefits to illegals, beginning this year.

    29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens, per FBI figures.

    The Los Angeles Times reports that, in Los Angeles (our largest city now effectively occupied by illegals):

    - 95% of warrants for murder are for illegal aliens.

    - 75% of people on the most wanted list are illegal aliens.

    - 2/3 of all births are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal, whose births were paid for by taxpayers.

    - 25% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.

    - The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.

    - 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.

    - 21 radio stations in L.A. are Spanish speaking.

    - In L.A. County 5.1 million people speak English while 3.9 million speak Spanish.

    What They Expect

    What's more, illegals expect and demand to be taught in their own language, not ours.

    Illegal aliens expect, demand and receive all manner of special privileges.

    Illegal aliens expect, demand and are given affirmative action preferences in hiring, education and government benefits.

    Illegal aliens expect, demand and are given ethnic studies that glorify their culture and denigrate ours.

    Illegals expect and repeatedly are given full amnesty as a reward for their lawless behavior and unmannerly conduct in our country.

    We Do Without

    We have given up our jobs to those less qualified.

    Our children have been sacrificed on the altar of political correctness.

    Our families do with less. Increasingly, more of us are hungry and, even, homeless, while the undeserving squalor of other countries feast upon the ever-decreasing bounty of America.

    We do without health care that we need because we cannot afford it, because Mexico's burgeoning offal demands and takes it for free.

    The retirement for which we paid Social Security taxes all these years now is being diluted and given to those who paid nothing for it.

    I, for one, am beyond being sick of it all.

    A Rising Storm

    Do you hear that thunder in the distance? A bad storm is coming our way.

    Yes, folks, things are going to become ugly for us - no doubt about it. But things are going to become very, very ugly for you, Jose, when the payback begins.

    And then we will turn our attention to those of you among us who destroyed our culture by holding the immigration floodgates wide open. Street lamps throughout America will be festooned with politicians, plutocrats, bankers and other thieves, rest assured.

    New America. An idea whose time has come.

    My name is Edgar J. Steele. Thanks for listening. Please visit my web site, <>, for other messages just like this one.


    Copyright ©2008, Edgar J. Steele
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  2. #2
    Senior Member TexasBorn's Avatar
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    May 2006
    Getyourassoutahere, Texas
    Airborne, this sent chills up my spine. But, I have to say, I predict the same storm....
    ...I call on you in the name of Liberty, of patriotism & everything dear to the American character, to come to our aid...

    William Barret Travis
    Letter From The Alamo Feb 24, 1836

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