A few days ago, the younger brother of a high school friend of mine was shot and killed in a road rage incident. Ken Woolsey and his wife had just moved back from London where they had lived for the last several years. On their first day back in town after flying back from the UK, Ken's wife was driving carefully through a construction zone, but at the posted speed limit. An SUV behind them was angrily crowding the bumper through the construction zone where traffic was narrowed to one lane. Once they cleared the zone, the SUV's driver, described as a Hispanic male (although the local Dllas Morning News seems intent on avoiding mentioning the murderer's ethnicity), pulled alongside the Woolseys' car and fired a single shot through the window, striking Ken in the head and killing him. Ironically, I had just seen Ken's brother Don for the first time in several years last week, only days before the incident. According to Don, Sonya believes that the man was actually trying to shoot her, but missed and hit Ken. Unbelievable! This one really hits home.

Here's an excerpt from the Dallas Morning News coverage of the incident:

Sonya Woolsey was driving the car around 5:45 p.m. in a 20 mph construction zone when a man in a light silver or white SUV began tailgating her. She was driving the posted speed limit.

As she began turning onto Walnut Street from Abrams road, the man in the vehicle pulled up besides them and fired one shot that fatally struck Mr. Woolsey's head as he sat in the passenger seat.

The mother and son ran into a nearby salon for help.

"She said, 'There was a person behind me that didn't like me going so slow; but I am learning again how to drive on the other side of the road,'" said Tamara Garner, who talked to Mrs. Woolsey after the accident. "I don't know, it happened so fast. And she said, 'I just didn't know what hit us.'"

Any bets on whether the dirtbag is an illegal? I hope that this sonofabitch resists arrest when he is finally caught. Either that, or I'd like to get my hands on him before the police do.