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Ron Paul - Last Man Standing

January 26, 2008

The other candidates are dropping like flies and the formerly uncontested "front runner" "Fruity" Giuiiani is trailing him badly. All he needs to do is to hang in there. He is what Americans really want and need. He simply cannot - and will not - lose.

by Alex Wallenwein
... and then there were three.

From a debate stage of formerly ten, we are now down to five. Gilmore, Thomson, Tancredo, Keyes (who only appeared in two debates), Hunter - and now Fred Thompson, the overhyped "new Ronald Reagan" himself, have all fallen by the wayside.

The three most likely remaining candidates after the next round of dropouts will be McCain, Romney - and Ron Paul!

If Rudy makes as poor a showing in Florida as he made elsewhere so far, he may drop out. That will leave Romney, McCain, the Huckster, and Ron Paul.

Huckabee has no money. Period. His campaign is asking people to accept salary cuts - and they refuse! Can you imagine Ron Paul in that situation? His people will work for free if they have to, or if they can't then someone will - because tens of thousands already do, voluntarily. Ron didn't even have to ask them. They stepped forward on their own.

Besides, Ron wouldn't have to cut salaries because he doesn't spend money like a drunken sailor in a high-end whorehouse.

McCain's finances don't look so good, either. Yes, he won South Carolina - but how will he compete on Super Tuesday after having spent his entire wad on Florida?

What's more, he is now proven to be the sell-out back-stabber most conservatives already knew him to be. Jerome Corsi at WorldNetDaily published an article showing Juan Hernandez, a former top-level "man for Mexico" in Vicente Fox' administration and PR stooge for the CFR financed "Open Borders" and "Mexico First" crowd is McCain's "Hispanic Outreach Director", an allegedly unpaid but top-level position.

When FLoridians find this out, they will toss him out on his head!
So, it's either down to three-way race between Ron, Mitt, and John, or between Ron, Mitt, and Fruity Rudy - if Rudy makes it past Florida.
But it is entirely possible that Fruity will quit after Florida AND that McCain will run out of money. That would leave only Ron and Mitt in the race! Mitt is dumb enough to throw his millions to the wind just get another notch in his belt, so he will likely outlast any others - other then Ron Paul, that is.

Can you imagine a two-way debate between these two contestants? Who is going to back Mitt up with his uniformed but snide comments and his behind-the-hand snickering when he faces Dr. Paul alone on the stage? How will he hold up oneconomic issues when Ron gets down to the fundamentals and he cannot counter him because he is not allowed to even address these issues? Or on credibility? Or on healthcare, or abortion, or tax cuts, or immigration, or gun control, or - worst of all cases - on the dollar and monetary policy?

Or, let's say McCain gets matching funding and he remains after Romney and Giuliani quit (just for argument's sake, alright?). How can "Mr. Amnesty" stand up to Dr. No on that one in front of grass roots Republican voters?

All Ron Paul has to do to win the nomination is to "show up" so to speak. All he has to do is to hang in there - and his current single-digit to lower double-digit polling numbers (and his opponent's so-far high double-digit numbers) become what they always were:

As long as there are sufficient other candidates to steal the poll-numbers limelight from Ron Paul, neoconservatives will still feel comforted to some degree - but what if the other candidates all fall off the truck except for Ron Paul and "whoever"? By virtue of his then-status as the ultimate survivor, all of the media spotlight will be on Ron Paul regardless of poll numbers!

On top of that, there are indications he actually won Louisiana!

This is shaping up to be a most interesting race, indeed...