Rudy, Hillary, Mitt to WND: Drop dead
Campaigns silent, refuse to answer even simple questions about issues

Posted: December 5, 2007
9:55 p.m. Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2007

What do Rudy Guiliani, Mitt Romney, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have in common in this election season of "important differences?"

They all have declined to respond to requests from WorldNetDaily for a few minutes in a telephone interview to answer questions on important issues ranging from terrorism and the integrity of U.S. borders to marriage and abortion.

Wait. Some of them actually have "responded," by adding a reporter's e-mail to their solicitation list, making repeated requests for cash donations.

"What you can do," Jonathan Prince, deputy campaign manager for John Edwards for President, wrote to WND as this story was being prepared, "is make a contribution to our campaign today – a contribution that will allow us to continue taking John's message of transformational change to Iowa and New Hampshire and the other key early states.
"Click here to make a contribution for change.

"It is your support for John that sustains him as he campaigns around the country.

"Click here to make a contribution for change.

Obama, same story. "I will invite one donor who participates in this effort to join me on the campaign trail for a day," Obama's campaign solicitation told WND in response to interview requests. "I want you to see up close what you've helped create on the ground in Iowa. There's something special happening in Iowa right now. Make your first donation of $25 and you could see it first hand."
That was followed by an Internet link to a site that processes donations for Obama.

That particular e-mail arrived only shortly after the campaign had, via e-mail, thanked the reporter for the interview request.

"Thank you so much for your interview request. It is now in our system and our communications team will follow-up with you when we have a better idea of your request's status," the "Communications Team" wrote from the campaign headquarters.

The Edwards campaign, instead of responding to the interview request, sent multiple requests for donations, including:

"The online team just told me that we still need to raise $110,000 over the next five days. Can you help us do that? Ten days ago, I challenged thousands of John Edwards' supporters around the country to raise $500,000 online by the end of November. Late last night, we were closing in on that goal, with just five days before the end of the month. Another $110,000 will get us there!" wrote Joe Trippi, "Senior Advisor, John Edwards for President."

Romney, Obama, Clinton and Guiliani were among a list of candidates who did not respond the WND requests, which launched its series of e-mails and telephone calls in July, before the first article in the series, a one-on-one interview with U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, was posted on WorldNetDaily.

Other candidates who did respond and were subsequently interviewed by WND include Ambassador Alan Keyes, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, John Cox, U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter, Sen. Sam Brownback, and U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo.

Those who did not respond to a series of contacts running from July into late November included Fred Thompson, John McCain and Mitt Romney in the GOP race, and the entire slate of Democratic candidates: Clinton, Obama, Edwards, Dennis Kucinich, Bill Richardson, Joe Biden and Chris Dodd.

The campaigns could not be reached for a response as to why they declined to answer questions such as:

If elected, what would be your priorities in your first 100 days in office?

Would you support a constitutional amendment limiting marriage to one woman and one man?

Share with us your position on Roe v. Wade and when life begins.

At what point do agreements with other nations begin endangering the sovereignty of the U.S., such as the Security and Prosperity Partnership, NAFTA highways and the like?

What is your belief about the terrorist threat facing Americans on their own soil today? Will there be another 9/11?

Give us your perspective on the nation's economy.
The Dennis Kucinich campaign demanded that the reporter confirm his request was valid because the WND e-mail address "has not been verified," but then declined to respond further.

The WND requests were substantially the same as this July request to the Clinton campaign, one of many submitted to the organization:

"I would like to request a brief telephone interview with Sen. Clinton for a series of question-and-answer articles we're doing to feature the candidates in 2008. Our questions would include several relating to the senator's specific issues, and then another four or five about general issues facing the nation, such as 'What would be your priorities for your first 100 days in office?'"
According to WND records, the various e-mail and telephone inquiries were launched in the middle of July, and continued on a periodic basis, including transmissions on July 18, several in August, on Sept. 27, on Oct. 2, on Oct. 10, and on Nov. 15. In addition to a story on the candidates' responses, WND requested permission to record the interviews and report the responses in a question-and-answer format, to allow the candidates themselves to make clear their positions.

Readers were paying attention to the series, too.

"Thank you so much for including Dr. Alan Keyes in your presidential candidate series," wrote Raymond S., of Santa Fe, N.M., this week. "He is so 'right on' about so many things. I know that he is an incredible speaker and an excellent debater. Do you suppose that is why so much of the media ignored him?"

WND's invitation to candidates to avail themselves of the popular news site's forum, and explain their positions to millions of Americans, remains open. ... E_ID=59051