Maybe ALIPAC can issue a press release urging Rubio to resign from the Gang of 8 now that Schumer, Leahy and the Democrats have rejected his (Rubio's) conditions about not rushing this process...


Rush Limbaugh

Just Amnesty? Why Not Also Cave on Obamacare to Woo Hispanics?

April 01, 2013
RUSH: As I mentioned the gun control thing took center stage the last couple of days of last week in the ongoing moving target that is the news of the day, the agenda item of the day. And where we are on this now, Senator Chuck-U Schumer was on Meet the Press yesterday. He talked about the stuff that the Gang of Eight has agreed to. According to Chuck-U Schumer, probationary legal status for all illegals happens first. Probationary legal status. Now, you can read that amnesty, partial amnesty, whatever, but probationary legal status. Once you cross that line, once you open that door there's no closing it. Probationary legal status becomes legal status. It's the first thing, and Schumer says that this is what the Gang of Eight has agreed to.

After the probationary legal status obviously comes the path to citizenship. Now, he didn't say, at least on Meet the Press, he didn't talk about border security happening first, which of course is Marco Rubio's requirement. Before anything can happen, Rubio said, before they'll get his vote, anyway, there has to be border security first. Now, Schumer, he did not say, per se, that the citizenship process wouldn't start until after this other stuff had happened. He didn't say it explicitly, but to many people listening the implication was clear. But it's also obvious that he's not, as a member of the Gang of Eight, Schumer is not trying to convey the whole ball of wax, the whole nine yards, amnesty unquestioned.
He is putting the border security requirement in the mix, but by first saying that probationary legal status will be granted to the existing population of illegals, I mean, once you have that, once you have probationary legal status, the next thing is citizenship. So opening that door, going inside that door of probationary legal status, that's always been the first thing. So we'll see. This was just Schumer on Meet the Depressed yesterday. And the LA Times had an interesting question, because they're pointing out that Republicans are doing everything they can to send the signal to Latinos, "You know, we're not gonna be nearly easy hard-core on amnesty as we've been. We're gonna reach out to you guys. We're gonna reach out to you. We want your votes. We want you to know that we believe in you."


So we now have competing statements. We got Schumer on Meet the Press yesterday, and let me tell you what he was saying, in a nutshell. What Schumer was saying with all that rigmarole was that even though the Democrats have made sure we have never enforced our immigration laws for 60 years, if we get another amnesty, we will begin to enforce 'em. That was the basic thrust of his message. That's how he tried to massage border security. But his first requirement, what he's calling probationary legal status, means you're immediately made legal, that's the amnesty, but you're on probation. You have to behave. You have to follow certain rules, otherwise we're gonna catch you and send you back.

We know that isn't gonna happen, but he wants people to think that it's possible. In exchange for probationary legal status there actually -- he wants us to believe -- will be systems where we're gonna be monitoring these people, and if they violate probation, per se, they're gone. That's not gonna happen.
But he wants everybody to think it is. Then the second promise is border security. He's basically saying, "Look, look, I know we've had 60 years of this and we've never enforced our immigration laws, but we're gonna start now as soon as we get this probationary status. You can trust us." Right. And Rubio is saying, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. There's no agreement to any of this yet. Hold on."

And this is just a day after sending a letter to Patrick Leahy warning against this rush to legislate.
Rubio released an Easter morning statement calling reports of a Gang of Eight reform agreement premature. Well, the Gang of Eight reform agreement was essentially announced by Chuck-U Schumer on Meet the Press. The day before that's when Rubio sent a letter to Leahy, because the Gang of Eight was moving at warp speed to get this done. Folks, if they could get this done this week, they could. Rubio is thinking, at the earliest, this fall. Rubio is thinking -- I happen to know this -- Rubio thinks it's gonna take that much time, if not more, to have all the testimony before all the committees and subcommittees to make sure that every senator has his questions or her questions answered.

I asked him, I asked him specifically what was his time frame on this. He said this fall at the soonest. Well, I'm gonna tell you, there's nobody on the Gang of Eight who's thinking this fall
. The Gang of Eight and a lot of other Democrats are thinking the longer this goes, the greater the chance we're not gonna get it. And they're right. The longer this goes, the more it becomes obvious to low-information people what's going on here. The longer it goes, the greater opportunity for people to find out what the endgame really is, and that's when opposition starts to really mount again.

More of Rush's comments and full transcript here: