Apparently, there is a documentary which aired on WUNC PubTV
called The Guest Worker. I did not see the doc, but I heard a
round table on WUNC 91.5. Apparently, the doc follows a Mexican
citizen legally working on a NC farm on the H2A program.

Lots of use of the "undocumented" word comparing H2A to
illegal aliens.

I heard some things which seem incredible.

- One of the panelists (Tony Masius with
Student Action w/Farmworkers) was advocating for a path to citizenship
for these workers who make $6.00-9.00/hour. If chain migration then
occurs, I find it hard to believe the family would not immediately be a
recipient of medicaid, free lunch, primary education, & then financial aide
for higher education for the kids. Seems to me this is just cost shifting
for a grower who wants to maintain a lifestyle that is no longer
supported by the market if we are competing with foreign grown

- Len Wester, Deputy Director of NC Growers Association,
was on the panel & complaining about the hassle of hiring
legal farm workers for growing tobacco!! Make people grow
tobacco if they want to smoke!!!

- Another panelist commented he was covering the "latino immigrant"
story in Tarheel, NC (Paul Quadros?). Seemed they were trying to
confuse legal immigrations & those who are illegal aliens under federal
law & guilty of identity theft under NC law.

Listen to the program & complain to Frank Stasio about no
opposing points of view.