'A Day Without A Mexican' Protest In The Works
Movie Asks What Would Happen If Latinos Disappeared From California

POSTED: 9:29 pm PDT April 6, 2006
UPDATED: 12:44 pm PDT April 7, 2006

SAN DIEGO -- Another immigration reform event is brewing -- inspired by the 2004 movie "A Day Without A Mexican," 10News reported.

Activists said Monday, May 1 will be called, "A Day Without Latinos" -- a boycott of work, school and shopping for those who participate nationwide.

"Immigrants do make contributions. Everyday life in the U.S. has a piece of immigrants," said Christian Ramirez, (comma) of the American Friends Service Committee.

In the movie, chaos erupts with the disappearance California's Latinos.

Activists believe a boycott could be life imitating art.

"We have a whole new dynamic brewing here -- a new social movement of sorts in the debate over immigration," Ramirez said.

Meantime, more demonstrations are planned. Tens of thousands of people will march through Balboa Park Sunday as part of an "Immigrants Are America" rally.

"The real issue is we have 11 million undocumented workers that are part of this society that are not getting the rights in this country," said Ben Monterroso, of the Service Employees International Union.

Monterroso is encouraging all 15,000 SEIU members in San Diego County to march.

Organizers are asking participants to follow some specific guidelines in terms of what to wear and what to carry.

"We want to wear white as a symbol of peace. We want to make sure the community embraces the American flag and all the laws of this country. That's what we're trying to do," Monterroso said.