Sanctuary And Secession

Posted By James Fulford On 17 August 2007 @ 5:24 pm In General | Comments Disabled

The Claremont Institute, home of historian Harry Jaffa, is known for its veneration of Abraham Lincoln, and for its support, fairly uncontroversial in most of the United States, for the winning side in the Civil War.

Some of’s readers, and writers for that matter, would disagree with them on that. But here they’re riding their hobbyhorse in a congenial direction.

The Claremont Institute - Sanctuary Cities: A New Civil War
The ghost of John C. Calhoun still stalks the land. Calhoun, of course, was the leading architect of nullification—and secession. Almost everyone believes the issues of nullification (the doctrine that federal law can be negated by state laws) and secession were resolved by the North’s victory in the Civil War and the passage of the Reconstruction Amendments. But nullification has once again reared its hoary head, this time in the guise of “sanctuary cities.â€