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  1. #1
    Senior Member dman1200's Avatar
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    Saving this Presidency… Why Bother? ... ency.shtml

    My thoughts exactly! Throw the bum out

    Saving this Presidency… Why Bother?

    Nathan J. Muller
    Co-founder -

    Political analysts and news media have opened a new line of inquiry - assessing the state of the presidency and pondering the question, "Can it be saved?" This begs a more fundamental question, "Why bother?" After all, George Bush has done more to damage our security, to destroy the middle class, and to deepen divisions in society than any other President within living memory. Saving this presidency merely promises more of the same. And if you think you've seen everything this man is really capable of, you're in for a big surprise…

    In recent weeks, political analysts and news media have opened a new line of inquiry - assessing the state of the presidency and pondering the question, "Can it be saved?"

    This begs a more fundamental question, "Why bother?" After all, this Administration has done more to damage our security, to destroy the middle class, and to deepen divisions in society than any other President within living memory. Saving this presidency merely promises more of the same.

    The track record of this President is more than abysmal; it is an unrelenting assault on the middle class as if it were a pandemic needing swift eradication by any means necessary. But the beltway babble is all about saving the President's legacy, not in stopping the damage to done to countless Americans.

    Middle class carnage

    Topping the list of treasonous acts committed by this President is his stubborn insistence on leaving our southern border open to the invasion of 3 million illegal aliens annually, along with terrorists, human traffickers, drug smugglers, cold-blooded killers, gangs, and child predators. Saving this presidency would merely invite more of the same, but under the guise of a "guest worker" program that looks too much like amnesty.

    Saving this presidency means more callous disregard for the plight of the working poor, elderly and disadvantaged. While this President approved a $6 billion subsidy to the nation's largest oil companies at a time when those companies posted record profits, the legislation did not offer help to the poorest consumers whose heating oil bills this winter will skyrocket by 28.5%.

    George Bush continues to lead the assault on the middle class by scaling back college tuition assistance programs, cutting back on Medicare, and changing the rules for declaring bankruptcy to make it impossible for people hit with catastrophic health care costs to rebound. Next in the crosshairs: elimination of the tax deduction on home ownership.

    And if you want the true measure of the man, it was Bush who callously suspended the Davis-Bacon Act during cleanup efforts along the Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina. This encouraged contractors to hire cheap foreign labor, which deprived residents of a decent wage when they desperately needed work to rebuild their lives.

    The Bush Administration's trade policies are responsible for sending American jobs to cheap labor markets overseas and for importing more foreign workers into this country who take away jobs Americans already have. It is this Administration that sees the United States of America as a mere market, with its citizens subject to the whims of Big Business. The result: pension plans, health insurance, job training - all are being phased out.

    Mindless globalization

    In this President's mindless pursuit of globalization, entire industries are being lost forever, along with the good paying jobs of middle class Americans that once provided a stable tax base for schools, law enforcement and social welfare programs.

    The textile and steel industries are pretty much gone, while technical and professional work is routinely shipped off to India. Now we see blue chip manufacturing jobs being lost to cheap labor markets like China, illustrated recently by the huge layoffs at General Motors and auto parts maker Delphi.

    Next in line to be exported are emerging technologies as well as scientific and medical research. And for the first time, the United States is now a net importer of food products, making Americans increasingly dependent on other countries for agricultural products.

    With the President's job performance ratings continuing to plummet, it is clear that most Americans -- 65% at this writing -- think George Bush is out of step with their concerns and priorities. Most Americans do not like the direction in which our country is headed. The weakness of this President is appreciated by other governments, which have demonstrated eagerness to exploit the situation.

    During Bush's recent two-day trip to China, it was plain even to the Communist regime that he is so weak that there was no need to concede anything during hours of high-level negotiations. The result: Bush once again failed to win concessions from Communist China that could have saved U.S. jobs, eased a lopsided trade imbalance, and strengthened national security. The Chinese outmaneuvered Bush on the issues of currency revaluation, religious freedom and human rights. On Taiwan, China did not budge from its long-held opposition to autonomy for the rogue "province."

    About the only thing Communist China agreed to do was put greater effort into clamping down on copyright infringement, like it has so many times before. The Administration can then parade this achievement as a foreign policy success. The Chinese know all they have to do is say the right words on intellectual property protection and we will go away. Meanwhile, it operates over 3,000 sham companies in this country whose primary mission is to steal technology innovations.

    The new "community"

    If you think you've seen everything Bush is really capable of, you're in for a big surprise…

    Bush now wants to meld the U.S., Canada and Mexico into a "community," the boundaries of which would be defined by a common outer security perimeter. As described by the Council for Foreign Affairs in a 70-page paper entitled, Building a North American Community, within this new unified North America there would be the free movement of people and products. In other words, the free market would decide where people live and work.

    The goal of this new arrangement is to "guarantee a free, safe, just, and prosperous North America." When you peel away all the glad-wrap, however, we're left with the stark reality that more Americans will have to work for paltry wages because big corporations will enjoy unfettered access to all the cheap labor they could ever want. Assuming all parties agree, this plan is supposed to go into effect as soon as 2010.

    Clear and present danger

    In his reasoning, posture, gestures, attitude and character, President Bush has revealed himself as a total fraud. The best Congress can do to serve all Americans is to keep this man bottled up for the next three years - stopping new initiatives at every turn. Only through political isolation can this man be rendered powerless to do more harm.

    Then again, we can't really trust Congress to do the right thing anymore either. It seems neither party will be totally satisfied until they have reduced this nation to a squalid third-world existence, dependent on other nations for manufacturing, textiles, agriculture, technology and critical pharmaceuticals.

    Only impeachment could create the possibility for corrective action, but neither the Democrats nor Republicans in Congress want to offend the Hispanic community or staunch the campaign contribution spigot of corporations that thrive on cheap labor.

    Saving this presidency would mean the worst assaults on America's middle class are yet to come.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    EXCELLENT PIECE, dman. I have copied it to my Documents where I will print and use for my "talking points"! This is the best written explanation of exactly what Bush is doing to this country that I've seen. It includes everything that I feel and does it in a concise way that I haven't been able to do myself. Thanks for finding that, dman.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    Great article and could not agree more!!

    The solution to this dangerous dilemma of what to do about Bush is impeach and remove this man from office as a Traitor.

    Congress will have to do the following:

    1) Admit they made mistakes approving 38 Free Trade Agreements pushed down their throats by this President and revoke, rescind, withdraw, null and void...every damn one of them including NAFTA. Congress--listen up!! We all know now that none of you have the sense to come inside from your own rainstorms. So, just admit you were stupid and not as smart as you thought you were and from this weakness, you have gained a strength which means you now know your Limitations; that YOU WILL listen to the people calling your offices; that YOU WILL read their e-mails; that YOU WILL respond as intelligently as possible (we know you're limited, but just do the best you can to show your heart--we'll read between the lines and hopefully understand the communication); that YOU WILL at all times from this point on consider ONLY the national and American interest; that YOU WILL impeach any President the minute the words "global", "free trade", "foreign workers", "guest workers", "we're all immigrants", "open society", "open borders", "just looking for a better life", etc. spew from its lips as a defense to abandoning the rule of immigration law in the United States or to failing to secure our borders.

    The American People HAVE NO CHOICE but to Impeach Bush and Cheney immediately. There is no other choice. "Bottling" a President is absurd. He can still make phone calls and say, "Hi, I'm George, the guy that's running America into the ground. Oh? You noticed? I'm doing a good job you say, well, thank you. Hey wanna make a deal so I can put another nail in the coffin of this nation? Run more cocaine in through the southern border from Colombia?---Sure, come have dinner with me again in Crawford...we've much to plan on two nights...1 to discuss how we can help you with your drug trade and 1 to discuss how you can help me dissolve the US through the FTAA".

    And I could go on with even more serious scenarios.

    This man is a ruthless traitor and he and Cheney must be removed from the White House immediately.

    There is no other choice.

    And I'm a life-time 4th generation Republican. Believe me, if this were not absolutely necessary, I would not be calling for the removal of this President and Vice President. But as an American Republican, my duty as is the duty of every American Citizen is to put the welfare and security of the United States at the top of the priority list...not party....not presidency....not legacy.....of George Bush.

    I truly believe the man is insane. No sane American would shove 38 Free Trade Agreements through the US Congress. No sane American would be conspiring behind our backs with Mexico and Canada to create a North American nation. No sane American could go to sleep on the Monday eve of Katrina, sleep like a baby and do nothing for these people for 5 days. No sane American could go to sleep at night knowing that tomorrow 2, 3, 5 or more 20 year old kids will end their lives in Iraq while chasing bandits through the streets or building sewer lines which can and should be done by Iraqis not 20 year old kids in the US Armed Forces. No sane American could watch 4,000,000 to 5,000,000 illegal aliens enter the United States every year from everywhere in the world who have no money, who have no assets, who are carrying babies they want to drop here and call them "American Citizens". No sane person would or could allow any of this which is why no one has before. Only George W. Bush has signed 38 Free Trade Agreements. Only George W. Bush pre-emptively invaded two countries for reasons that become less clear as time moves along. Only George W. Bush could sit and read a story to 2nd graders while "America is Under Attack, Mr. President" on 9/11. Only George W. Bush has totally abandoned the rule of law with regards to US immigration law.

    George Bush is off his rocker, and the United States can not afford one more minute of a Wacko in the White House.

    Now lets do our jobs, lets get this man and all his lieutenants out of office, and lets make Congress do it.

    To the political "tink tanks"....clink, clink, clink....that's the metal marbles rolling around in your cranial cavities....there is no Presidency to save. The legacy will speak for itself. A legacy is a living memory of what you did and didn't do...there is already 5 years of that exposed and on the record. There is NOTHING this man can do to change his legacy. He's proven himself a traitor....38 times. He's breached his oath of office to uphold the immigration laws of the United States every second of every minute of every day of every month of every year since January 2001. That's 60 x 60 x 24 x 30 x 12 x 4.9 times.

    On these two points alone....he is a proven devious deceptive derelict traitor.

    Unless you want this country, the United States of America along with your freedom and liberties to dissolve into the new "States" province of the Global Western Hemispheric Nation Quadrant 4 of the Global World Council, WE must Impeach George Bush and Dick Cheney immediately.

    Where are the Democrats? If this is not fodder to your cause, then I don't know what is? Are you Globalists, too? Is there no one anywhere in the United States Government that "gets" this problem because everyone in the US Government is "in" on it or too cowardly to stand up and introduce a little Resolution that calls for the Immediate Impeachment and Removal from Office of one George Wackident Bush and one Tricky Dicky Cheney? Now hear this, we're taking names, we're making a list, and we aren't going to bother to check it twice....either you are with the American People or you are against the American People. Sound familiar? You got it when it meant sending our 20 year olds to be blown to bits on foreign lets see if you get it now when it means saving the United States and the American People.

    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

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  4. #4
    Senior Member dman1200's Avatar
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    Amen Judy!
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  5. #5
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    And, to make matters WORSE, I saw where his POLL RATINGS went UP. I tell you--the American people, I am very afraid, are just FOOLS. A large group of them MUST have bought his pitiful rhetoric Monday and Wednesday. I don't know whether it was from his GUESTWORKER PHOTO OP or his IRAQ PHOTO OP but I THINK I heard that he gained SIX POINTS. What he needs is to be DEEP SIXED!

    If the people in this country are SO BLIND and OVINE that they follow this man into the depths of HELL, they deserve him.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    They have "phoney" polls. So we need to find out what poll that is and who takes it. I think there are some polls that all the Neo Con Rinos take.

    GOD, please don't let our fellow Americans be this fooled. He is a Master of De Foolere, if you get my drift.

    We are in such horrible danger if Congress does not take action and get this maniac out of the White House.

    Just think about all the "deals" he makes on his world wide tours with foreign governments and business people.

    It makes my blood run cold.

    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

    Support our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & Amnesty by joining our E-mail Alerts at

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    I get your drift but HOW, please tell me, HOW could people buy into his CRAPOLA??? I am about to PUKE. Gotta get the Barf Bucket FAST.

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