Sen. Ted Cruz Puts Martha’s Vineyard ‘Crisis’ in Perspective: ‘15,000 Haitian Illegal Immigrants’ Entered Del Rio in One Day

by PAUL BOIS 15 Sep 2022

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) put some much-needed perspective on the influx of migrants into Martha’s Vineyard this week, noting that 15,000 illegal immigrants from Haiti entered Del Rio, Texas, in a single day.

Ever since Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) flew 50 migrants to the wealthy liberal enclave of Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, Democrats have been calling the situation a “humanitarian crisis,” while accusing the governor of using human beings as pawns in a game of political chess.

“It is cruel to treat human beings like pawns in a political game. He has reached a new low,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said of DeSantis.

“Exploiting vulnerable people for political stunts is repulsive and cruel. Massachusetts is fully capable of handling asylum seekers, and I’ll keep working with local, state, and federal partners to ensure we have the necessary resources to care for people with dignity,” she also tweeted.

Martha’s Vineyard homeless shelter coordinator, Lisa Belcastro, lamented to reporters that the island does not have the facilities to house the migrants despite the fact that some of America’s wealthiest elites own multi-million-dollar vacation homes that are empty most of the year.

“At some point in time they have to move from here to somewhere else,” she told reporters. “We don’t have the services to take care of 50 immigrants. We certainly don’t have housing. We’re in a housing crisis as we are on this island, so we can’t house everyone here that lives here and works here. We don’t have housing for 50 more people.”

Christina Pushaw

Wow! This Martha’s Vineyard Democrat doesn’t seem very welcoming or progressive. “We don’t have housing for 50 immigrants.” Uh, don’t the Obamas have a 10 bedroom mansion there? That will fit half of them.

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3:43 PM · Sep 15, 2022

In a tweet on Wednesday, Ted Cruz explained how 15,000 migrants (not 50) flooded into Del Rio, Texas, in a single day.

“Folks on Martha’s Vineyard are describing the burdens from 50 illegal immigrants. To put that in perspective, the small town of Del Rio, TX has about 30,000 residents. I was there when 15,000 Haitian illegal immigrants were crossing in to Del Rio IN A SINGLE DAY. 15,000 > 50”
he tweeted.

Island officials have since called the influx of 50 migrants a “humanitarian crisis.”

Visit Martha's Vineyard

To our Island community, here is an update on current humanitarian crisis on Martha's Vineyard....we thank people for their continued help.

11:32 AM · Sep 15, 2022

Cruz on Martha's Vineyard: 15,000 Illegals Entered Texas in a Day (