Note, Maywood, CA is mentioned, that's the town we saw the video of where they took down the American flag outside the post office and replaced it with the Mexican flag.

"The Senate immigration bill is a travesty."

World Ahead Publishing
5/22/2007 8:44:54 PM

Los Angeles, CA (May 23, 2007) – "Minutemen: The Battle to Secure America’s Borders" provides shocking insight into what’s happening as a result of America’s porous borders…the information that George W. Bush and Teddy Kennedy don’t want you to know. Among those insights? That the true number of illegal aliens in the United States numbers closer to 30 million than the 12 million illegal alien apologists cite. Legalizing that number of illegals, often uneducated, illiterate, and disease-ridden, can only mean the destruction of the United States as we know it.

"The Senate bill is a complete travesty," asserts Jerry Corsi, co-author of New York Times bestseller Unfit for Command and author of "Minutemen"(World Ahead Publishing, hardcover, $25.95, ISBN 0977898415). "It’s an attempt by our own elected officials to destroy everything that makes the United States unique among nations - our culture, our economic and military strength, our unity. This bill should horrify every American concerned about his or her future, and those of their children."

The city of Maywood, California, details what that future might look like if an "enforcement-first" bill isn’t passed by Congress. "Here is a city that has laid down and rolled over for illegals, just as the Senate is demanding the rest of us do," asserts Corsi. "Local services have been stretched to the breaking point, no one even knows who lives there or how many of the residents are here illegally, although it’s likely more than half of the 50,000 residents.â€