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We do not need the Senate immigration bill to secure the border.
Congress has already passed laws authorizing border security, but the Homeland Security Department has failed to fully implement them. The administration already has the authority to build hundreds of miles of border fencing, hire and train 6,000 border patrol agents (bringing the total number of agents to 18,000), end catch and release and create a national employment verification database. Essentially, all of the security benchmarks in the current Senate bill are already law.

Unfortunately, proponents of this bill would have us believe that none of these security measures can be implemented unless we pass a bill that grants amnesty to 12 million to 20 million illegal immigrants. In short, security is being held hostage in return for amnesty.

What's worse is that backers of this bill are hoping Americans have a short memory.

In 1986, the government was trying to figure out how to deal with a porous southern border and roughly 3million illegal aliens who resided in America as a result.

It was decided that granting amnesty was acceptable as long as the border was made secure and immigration laws on the books were enforced.

Looking back, we see that amnesty was granted, but the border was never secured.

Now here we are, more than two decades later, with a new generation of Washington politicians pushing a similar proposal but expecting different results. Only this time, the illegal population has skyrocketed and unsecured borders pose a far graver national security threat in an age of terrorism.

This is a completely backward approach. Common sense demands that we put first things first. That means shelving amnesty proposals and making national security our first priority. Before we address the problem of the illegal population, we need to prove to the American people that we will keep our word.

Those who support this bill tell us we must pass it because the status quo is unacceptable. True. Millions of illegal aliens and a dysfunctional immigration system have created huge problems for our nation. But the most pervasive problem now is the 20-plus years of broken promises to secure the border and enforce our immigration laws. Americans agree this status quo must be rejected, and we must enforce our laws.

It is time for our government to do right by America. It's past time to right the wrong of 1986. Only then will we have the credibility to address the problem of the current illegal population.

As the saying goes, fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice …

Sen. Jim DeMint is a Republican from South Carolina.