Last Friday, pro-amnesty Senator Richard Burr gave the closing address to Wake Forest University's two-day pro-amnesty confab titled, "Immigration: Recasting the Debate."

Follow this link to the original source: "Immigration: Recasting the Debate"


The more accurate title for the Wake Forest forum should have been, "Illegal immigration: Retooling Our Momentarily Derailed Pro-Amnesty Drive."

Wake Forest is located in the state (NC) with one of the highest growth rates of illegal immigration and in the North Carolina county with the highest growth rate of criminal aliens in its jail system. Senator Richard Burr of North Carolina, who is a graduate of Wake Forest and resides near the university, was orginally scheduled to introduce McCain-Kennedy amnesty bill supporter Senator Mel Martinez as the closer for the forum. When the Florida Senator's plane in Miami was delayed by mechanical difficulties and then weather, Senator Burr accepted the challenge to give the closing remarks himself.
Senator Burr Dances Around His Position on Amnesty

Working on short notice, and aware that his audience included some of the irate citizenry who showed up on his office doorstep to encourage him to reverse his earlier support for the cloture motion on this summer's amnesty bill, Senator Burr stated he was not at the pro-amnesty event to "take sides." That is, Senator Burr was not willing to take a position against the various amnesty plans being offered at his alma mater's thinly veiled propaganda event.

The official brochure for the Wake Forest forum lists the the bios for 16 speakers. The expert math used at the University calculated that 15 pro-amnesty supporters plus one person in opposition equals a "debate from all sides."

Notably absent from the "all sides" forum put on by the predominantly lilly-colored private university that runs about $45,000/yr in tuition and housing costs, was any voice from the black community. In a facilitated workshop session, one Latino activist challenged me to explain if all these young African-Americans are being displaced by illegal immigrants, "Where have they all gone?"

Sensitive guy that I am, I suggested that like many young people, of all colors, they have been convinced by easy credit schemes and limited job prospects to continue their educations. I added that this of course inflates the demand for products offered by institutions like Wake Forest allowing them to jack up tuition rates year after year even as the value of degrees are continually debased by government policies.

Of course, the hard edged sound bite that I was severely tempted to deliver was, "Where are they? They are in government jobs* or government custody." (*this link on "jobless recovery" from the same organization claiming at the forum that we have worker shortage is of course the height of hypocrisy.)

Another irritating meme of the confab: From the opening address delivered by former Carter Labor Department Secretary (and CFR apparatchik) Ray Marshall and throughout the forum, the solution offered to the problem of "undocumented" workers was to require a national ID card with bio-metric identifiers for all Americans. This was treated as a no-brainer in spite of the huge split in both the pro- and anti-amnesty camps over whether our central government should be allowed to register all humans it claims dominion over.

Insult to injury: World War II veteran Ray Marshall, who confessed he volunteered for military service at age 15 by faking his documents, proclaimed that being able to serve his country was an invaluable experience that everyone should have. Such a good experience in fact that he supports mandatory universal service for all young people. You would think a statement like this would raise more than my eyebrow on a college campus but, alas, it appeared not to.

Wake Forest is in the process of posting the entire public forum on-line.

Like the Wake parent who stumbled across the forum while picking up his daughter and ended up being able to address the 250 person crowd as to why amnesty is unacceptable, I encourage everyone to attend such events in your own towns. The world is run by those who show up.

Sidebar: Did you know that "undocumented (illegal) aliens" who are males between the ages of 18-26 are required to register for the draft? Since proof of SS registration is a requirement to receive a drivers license in most states, this means that Selective Service has a database of duly registered illegal aliens. Now that it is the official policy of the State of New York to hand out drivers licenses to illegals, this SS database is going to expand rapidly. However, if history is any guide, today's "migrants" from Mexico should be wary of any welcome mats offered in New York.

Jim Capo

Jim Capo is the John Birch Society's National Spokesman on Trade Policy, and a coordinator for North and South Carolina.