... 35/OPINION

Send illegals back, with their children

December 17, 2006
1 Comment

One of the biggest reasons it's difficult to deport illegal aliens from this area is the Register. Every time the government tries to do its job and enforce our immigration laws, the Register rushes to print a series of human-interest stories about how terrible the government is and how hard it is on the children.

They broke the law! If they were worried about who would care for their children, they wouldn't have broken the law. Please keep your political opinions on the opinion page.

If it had been a ring of meth dealers or prostitutes, I doubt the Register would have been worried about the children. I don't think there would be a single line about the effect on the children.

Ship the illegals back. If they're worried about their kids, they can take them with them. If we don't make it hard for them to work here, they will keep coming. Fine Swift big time. Shut down a few businesses that hire illegals. The others will stop.

- John K. Hughes,
Des Moines.