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By Stephanie Innes , Arizona Daily Star Sun Dec 11, 3:40 AM ET

Bill Bowler is not a man who tries to fit in. The 80-year-old Baptist preacher is an outspoken ultra-right Republican in a left-leaning city. He's been in the local spotlight as a radio and TV personality for 45 years, and he doesn't mind being called a Bible-thumping, flag-waving preacher. "I wear that label with honor," said Bowler, who has a show on Access Tucson now. Bowler is the lone religious leader in Tucson who is publicly speaking out against the faith-based volunteers providing food, water and medical assistance to people illegally crossing the border from Mexico into the United States by foot. He prefers directing his support to the Minutemen Project, an armed group that patrols the Arizona-Mexico border. "I feel closer to Jeremiah than anyone else in the Bible," Bowler said in a recent interview at his Oro Valley home. "Everyone was against him but he stayed true to himself until the day he died. That's what I want to do. As long as I live, I want to take my stand for Christ and country â€â€