DeSantis: Biden Has Stopped Sending Illegal Immigrants to Florida

by HANNAH BLEAU 24 Aug 2022

Florida has not yet shipped illegal aliens out of the state, in part because President Biden has ceased sending illegal aliens to the Sunshine State, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) said.

During a cabinet meeting, DeSantis reportedly explained that Biden has yet to send illegal immigrants to Florida following the state’s threats and recently implemented immigration law, as well as other states, namely, Texas, bussing illegal immigrants to blue cities such as Washington, DC, and New York City.

“Texas is taking people,” the governor said, according to Politico. “Biden has not sent anyone to us since we got that. He does send children all across the country in the middle of the night and dumps them all over the United States, which I think is very reckless.”

However, DeSantis said Florida has not since had any buses come, dumping illegal aliens in the state.

“We have not had buses coming in, we have had people trickle in,” he explained, attributing the lack of movement, in part, to Texas taking action. “I think because of what Texas has done, that has actually taken a lot of pressure off us.”

“Reason they are doing New York and reason I was suggesting D.C. and Delaware and stuff is because it will potentially cause a change of policy,” he added — a prediction that has, so far, proven true, as leftists are begging for help as President Biden’s Pentagon rejects requests to alleviate the pressure in places such as D.C.

Indeed, Texas has largely led the way in putting the migrant crisis back in the hands of sanctuary states and cities, forcing the Democrat elites to deal with the crisis as it hits their own backyard.

“This is horrific, when you think about what the governor is doing,” New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D), who claims to be devoted to welcoming newcomers “with open arms,” said.

He has even gone as far as threatening retaliation against Texas, stating earlier this month that he is “deeply contemplating” busing New Yorkers to Texas to knock on doors.

“And I am deeply contemplating taking a busload of new Yorkers to go to Texas and do some good old-fashioned door knocking, because we have to for the good of America,” Adams said. “We have to get him out of office.”

DeSantis’s remarks follow his action over the summer, signing a bill that, in part, penalizes federal contractors for dumping illegal immigrants in the state. All the while, DeSantis has long teased shipping illegals to sanctuary areas.

“I’m gonna sign a bill very soon. It will be effective July 1. The contractors are gonna get penalized if they dump illegal aliens in Florida from the border,” DeSantis said in June, also warning that the state would allot funds to reroute illegal immigrants to “places like Delaware and other sanctuary states.”

DeSantis: Biden Has Stopped Sending Illegal Immigrants to Florida (