Ed Jew
San Francisco Supervisor who voted to preserve Michael Savage's Right to Free Speech continues to be harassed

By Judi McLeod

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Like a posse hunting down a quarry, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors will not let up on independent minded Supervisor Ed Jew.

The lone vote of common sense on the out-of-line board of supervisors, native son Edward Jew has been the target of an ongoing campaign of harassment since election.

"Their ultimate goal is to get rid of me. They are determined to take me down," Jew told Canada Free press (CFP) in a telephone interview last night.

Board of Supervisors President Aaron Peskin heads a posse of board supervisors who want to remove Jew from office.

The behind-the-scenes, mainstream media-supported fight against the third generation grandson of a Chinese immigrant needs cleansing sunlight because this is a fight that is mean-spirited at heart.

The board has made Jew's domicile an issue even though the only time he's had to be out of district was when he and his wife went to live with her mother in Burlingame after her breast cancer surgery.

In other words, board members who hail from New York and elsewhere, are prosecuting a third generation San Francisco born Asian American who wanted to be with his wife at the time when she most needed him.

"My wife means the world to me. Family commitments and love of country is what my grandfather taught me what mattered most in life," said 47-year-old Jew, who with wife Lisa is raising a 9-year-old daughter.

The witch-hunt against the District 4 supervisor began right after his 2006 election and reached fever pitch last June with his colleagues unleashing the FBI on him.

The legal battle forced him to hire three attorneys.

Although he's been mired in debt, a supervisor fawning local media portrays the hard-working Jew as a multi-millionaire. "They have attributed real estate owned by my cousins and even my late grandfather to me when the truth is I do not own it and have no money."

The supervisors' personal vendetta is paid for from San Francisco's public purse.

"For the first time in history, the DA is prosecuting an elected official for nine counts of perjury for not living in his home. The DA has four assistant DAs, four investigators and four staff working on this case," says Jew.

With an unflagging determination to "do things right", the third generation San Franciscan follows in the footsteps of a grandfather who came to America in 1913, and started a business called Canton Flower Shop in 1927.

"After 80 years, Lisa and I are running the same family-owned business in San Francisco's Chinatown," Jew told CFP with unmistakable pride in his voice.

Hard work and an independent mind were bound to find trouble at San Francisco's Board of Supervisors, who have done everything possible to marginalize him.

One of his earliest run-ins came with Pestilence Peskin when Jew's was the single vote cast against the supervisors who wanted to legislate against people feeding San Francisco's famed parrots at Ferry Park.

"Banning people from feeding the parrots runs counter to common sense, and I voted against Peskin who now hates me," said Jew.

The board needs unanimous votes in order to push its agenda, but Jew's vote is not for hire.

When the Supervisor was the lone vote against colleague Gerard Sandoval's resolution to condemn and censor radio talk show personality Michael Savage for criticizing illegal aliens in the U.S., Sandoval flew into ballistic mode.

"He wanted to know why I was the only one to vote no. I told him as an elected official I swore to defend the Constitution of the United States of America and the First Amendment. That's exactly what I was doing when I voted "No" to the Sandoval resolution condemning Michael Savage."

"Theirs was a vote against Michael Savage's rights enshrined in the First Amendment."

Jew, who describes his constituents as "a little more moderate and conservative than most", said he is "flattered" to have Green Party support.

The Peskin posse will never silence plucky Ed Jew: "Even if they take me down, I will continue to do what is right. You don't have to be an elected official to work for the people of San Francisco. I worked in the community when I lost an election and I'll do it again."

The take-no-prisoners Michael Savage has called Jew's tormentors, "Those Red Diaper Doper Baby Bums from Brooklyn".

Meanwhile, San Francisco native son Ed Jew knows something that Peskin and Sandoval never will: Home is where the heart is.

Canada Free Press founding editor Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years experience in the print media. Her work has appeared on Newsmax.com, Drudge Report, Foxnews.com, Glenn Beck and The Rant. Judi can be reached at: judi@canadafreepress.com
