Quote Originally Posted by Floorguy
Quote Originally Posted by Judy
Quote Originally Posted by vortex
These soldiers knew exactly what they were doing.
I'm sure they did. I'm just sorry it's a crime and wish we would legalize/regulate and tax that industry so people can work in it legally if they want to so long as they comply with the regulations of age, quantity and quality. Most will do so if given the opportunity.

Kinda brings back the days of prohibition, doesn't it.

Look what that caused.... Scary the similarities.
It's terrible what's being done in the name of the War on Drugs. For example:

1. no knock warrants invading homes, killing citizens, old ladies, and even pets, tying up others, making them sit in the blood of their murdered animals, all on a false sting where DEA delivered the planted box of marijuana through Federal Exress or UPS to the WRONG HOUSE.

2. arrests and prosecutions of citizens for using drugs even though they haven't hurt another soul or damaged 1 dime's worth of someone else's property, sending them to prison for years, taking men and husbands out of the home, sending them off to prison, leaving their wives and children without an income or the support of the man of the house

3. targeting of poor blacks in black neighborhoods that results in the disproportionate arrest of black versus whites that results in 7 to 1 convictions of black Americans compared to whites when whites are the majority population and use drugs at the same rates as blacks

4. handed over this drug trade to violent criminal foreign cartels who have used their huge tax free profits to terrorize neighborhoods, increase illegal immigration to control the neighborhoods they serve with drugs, buy up our law enforcement officers, buy up our politicians, control our country

5. 800,000 Americans 7 to 1 black rotting in federal and state prisons for non-violent drug charges every single year

6. In the past 20 years, over 31 million Americans have been arrested for non-violent drug charges, most of them for marijuana

7. $300 billion a year industry that grows every year controlled almost exclusively by foreign drug cartels that suck this money out of our economy every single year

8. because the money supply is sucked out of the country and no taxes are paid on it, the governments are left borrowing $70 billion a year to fight a War on Drugs that grows proportionately with the population every single year with addictions rates that are the same as they were 100 years ago at 2% of the US population

9. those 31 million arrested drug offenders end up with felony records and due to the ridiculous drugs laws mark them as criminals for life for no valid reason and render them unemployable in many occupations, mostly blacks, while the honchos of these companies are snorting coke all day long never being arrested, never being drug tested, never worrying one iota about losing all they have while the lower income and middle class users lose everything for getting caught smoking pot and eating a brownie.

10. gang violence rages in neighborhoods solely because a recreational drug trade is marked illegal an authorities wage a War on Drugs, when what they have wages is a War on Liberty and privacy of US and rights of US citizens and their families.

What we have done to these people is unconscionable, unChristian and bordering on pure evil. We have prison industries running drug prisons for profit, who have lobbyists well-funded by these private prisons to legislate in the states and federal government, mandatory sentencing to ensure some 18 year old caught smoking marijuana serves a prescribed number of years so the prison is guaranteed their income and profits.

There are few things our country has done since slavery that is as close to pure evil as the War on Drugs.

The only time someone should be arrested for using drugs if when they are using drugs on public property or sold drugs to minors. If they hurt someone while on drugs, then charge them with whatever crime they committed that hurt someone. Period. Until someone hurts another person, damages someone else's property, sells to a minor or uses in public, there should be no crime at all.

We need to legalize/regulate/tax under the FairTax the illegal drug trade under a civil code, not a criminal code, use a small portion of the taxes to better educate the public about the risk and consequences of drugs (no lies, just the truth, thank you) and provide free rehabilitation on demand without stigma to anyone who wants or needs it using the taxes only drug users pay when they purchase the drugs to pay for it.

So instead of wasting $70 billion a year of money we don't have in Law Enforcement and Incarceration Costs destroying the lives of 3 million Americans a year, we'll be making $70 billion a year in new tax revenue for a net gain of $140 billion a year. Health insurance companies and their premium payers won't be burdened with drug rehabilitation costs because if someone gets in too deep, they go straight to the free rehab clinic at no charge to anyone, except the cost of the rehab center which is funded by a portion of the $70 billion the drug users paid in federal FairTaxes at no expense to anyone else.

Instead of letting $300 billion a year of our money supply and business transaction fly out the window to other countries and their Drug Lords, this money will stay in the US and be part of a legal drug enterprise 100% controlled by American Citizens who grow it, manufacture it, process it, transport it and sell it under state and federal regulations that protect minors, protects workers, protects the quantity and quality of the drugs sold. Most over-dose deaths aren't cause by simple use, they're caused by bad mixes, bad cuts. This will no longer be the case. Someone may get addicted, but the odds of it taking their lives will be almost non-existent.

Drugs will no longer be sold on the streets, in schools, in parks or alleyways. They'll be sold in licensed specialty stores by competent, decent people providing a service like any pharmacy, liquor or tobacco store probably with drive-by windows. They will located outside the mainstream locations but in safe convenient well-light, well-secured locations.

I estimate 40% of the illegal immigration problem is a direct consequence of an illegal drug trade, because it takes a lot of foot soldiers to move $300 billion a year of illegal drugs under cover through the United States and sell it for $20 a bag or whatever they cost. They sell them to their associates they meet at work and their bosses and managers and their friends and associates. The illegal drug trade is responsible for the illegal alien business. That's why companies and employers would rather fire Americans that have worked for them for a decade or more and hire unskilled, language and education deficient, illegal aliens without batting an eye.

This will also free up the prison space to house detained illegal aliens until they're deported and their employers, aiders and abetters until they've served their full sentences.

For more information: Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP)


I know a lot of Americans are on the surface against legalizing, but they need to sit back, do some research, think about it, count the money, count the costs, fully understand the realities of drug use versus the realities of a War on Drug Users, and ask themselves "why do you want to send someone to prison and ruin their lives when they haven't touch a thing that didn't belong to them or hurt a soul except themselves"? Parents worried about their children, need to ask themselves, "how is your child safer totally unprotected from violent vicious criminal gangs running a drug trade in the school where your children go every day, or the park they want to play in or the street corner they stand on to catch the bus or friends of friends of friends peddling these drugs now than licensed, regulated, monitored stores run by decent law-abiding Americans"? They aren't.

Parents who don't want their children on drugs need to do 1 thing and that is know where your children are, what they are doing and who they are doing it with. Take the locks off your children's doors, walk in to their room any damn time you want, if they've slunk off to the basement and you haven't heard a peep out of them for 30 minutes, you get up and go find out what they're doing, never let your children go to a friends house unless you've been there and met their parents and the friends they're wanting to visit, do not let your children take phone calls at home on a cell phone, turn them off, and make them use the house phone that YOU answer first and find out who is calling to speak with your children, you read their emails, you read their text messages, you go through their drawers, their backpacks, everything they own and do so regularly, and if you do these things you have protected your children from 90% of the risk that they will ever use drugs while they are teen-agers living in your home.

After that, there's not much you can do or anyone else can do. It's up to them, but at that point, they're old enough to make the right decisions and if they experiment they will be educated on the risk and consequences by the public education program and if they get in too deep they have immediate on demand no-stigma medical help available at no cost to them, you or society.