Posted on Fri, Aug. 10, 2007
Angry? Here's why
Felons walk back into U.S. and Washington does nothing

If you're furious to learn that a convicted felon and illegal immigrant was deported and walked back into the United States -- only to be accused of committing multiple rapes in Charlotte -- you should be. Just be sure to direct your anger at the right source.

Communities and local governments pay the price for a porous border in compromised safety and additional burdens on law enforcement. Yet the immigration reform killed in the Senate last month would have provided a practical, intelligent way to secure the border. Call the senators who helped slam the door on that common-sense bill -- including three of the Carolinas' four senators -- and tell them you want compromise and progress on immigration, not grandstanding.

Last week officials in Charlotte-Mecklenburg charged Jose C. Rivera, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, in connection with the rapes of three Charlotte women. His story is revealing: He was deported last November after being convicted of possession of a stolen vehicle, then arrested six months later back in Charlotte. He was set to be deported again when police filed rape charges.

He told sheriff's deputies he crossed the border from Mexico into Texas in April on foot. Unfortunately, that's not out of the ordinary. Since last April, Mecklenburg deputies working with federal immigration agents have identified more than 150 illegal immigrants who had been jailed, then deported but re-entered the country.

Mr. Rivera's no-sweat reentry illustrates the danger arising from gaping holes in the nation's immigration policy. It also demonstrates why the border must be secured. The package of immigration reforms that failed in the Senate was not perfect. But it would have improved border security, using a combination of additional guards, electronic surveillance and barricades.

Thanks to a solid amendment by Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., the bill would have guaranteed $4.4 billion a year in funding to pay for those things. Sen. Graham showed leadership on this difficult issue. But the Carolinas' remaining senators -- Elizabeth Dole, R-N.C., Richard Burr, R-N.C., and Jim DeMint, R-S.C., chose rigid ideological positions that blocked any action.

Here's why that's wrong: An estimated 300,000 illegal immigrants live in North Carolina, primarily in immigration centers such as Charlotte and Raleigh. An additional 50,000 live in South Carolina. Washington's failure to enact any practical immigration reform only makes it harder on people back home.

If that makes you angry, then act. The best hope for balanced reform still resides in the Senate. Call your senators and tell them you're fed up with gridlock on immigration and want more from Washington than fear-mongering and inflexible politics.

Contact Carolinas' senators

Elizabeth Dole, R-N.C. 202-224-6342

Richard Burr, R-N.C. 202-224-3154

Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. 202-224-5972

Jim DeMint, R-S.C. 202-224-6121

Comments to date:

Why do we need to offer a path to citizenship before we secure the borders? How about we enforce the existing laws? How about we pass a law calling for immediate execution of any illegal alien who commits a crime as heinous as the one this creep Rivera committed? This way we'll know he won't be sneaking back in.

Too barbaric? Try sneaking into any other country and committing a crime and see how long you are for this world.

Posted by: steve_benson
8/10/2007 7:12 AM

This editorial assertion that those who opposed the amnesty/citizenship for illegal aliens bill are responsible for illegals'criminal behavior is ludicrous. Provide the funding needed to secure the border without legalizing criminal behavior. D Presson

Posted by: Debby
8/10/2007 8:42 AM

If those at the observer, before throwing stones, would have read the complete bill they would have voted against it. The democrats had it so full of pork and self serving items that no one in their right mind would approve it. Look up the bill on the following web sites: or and read the darn thing. It's long but one gets the idea why the Republicans mentioned did not pass the bill. Make it simple, direct and to the point and it will get passed.

Posted by: Bert
8/10/2007 10:34 AM

"Comprehensive immigration reform" is NOT -repeat that several times "IS NOT"- a necessary component of border enforcement. And much of what the recently defeated bill contained regarding border enforcement already exists. Fences? Already authorized. Additonal border patrol agents? Already authorized.

Immigration reform is really another way of saying that certain interests want to make it substantially easier for low cost labor to enter the U.S. The idea that once we do that THEN we'll start enforcing the laws that have been ignored for decades, is ludicrous. What the bill would have done, almost certainly, would have been to have created a wave of NEW border crossings.

And meanwhile, those three Senators voted as they did because they listened to their constituents. Lindsey defied his own constituents and he may very well pay a price for that, as he should.

Posted by: Fredo
8/10/2007 11:42 AM

You have got to be crazy! "practical, intelligent" They have the funding for the fence and yet where is it? Nothing should be done except 1) secure the border 2) enforce the current laws and prosecute to the fullest extent. All paid law enforcement officials should enforce these laws or be held for Criminal facilitation. Those legislators who endorse amnesty should be votes out of office ASAP.

Posted by: sticky
8/10/2007 1:23 PM

I get tired of politicians throwing handfuls of money at problems that have already been funded. Everytime they pickup a handful, a lot sticks to their hands. Some call it "Pork." I call it greed. Why do you honor the one Senator who favored the pork-ladened bill to "solve" the immigration problem and encourage your listeners to bombard the three who know that was not a good solution to the problem?

Posted by: Aggravated
8/10/2007 3:21 PM

Here we go again! The Observer editorial writers doing what they do so naturally: Half truths nothing but the half truth, so help me Mr. Editor. Is there any editorial writers at the Observer that can tell a complete story as in :Where, What, Who, When, and why? Is that not taught in college anymore? It is quite obvious that the writer of this article is hiding behind a ?No Name? on the article so one would assume that the writer is very much a liberal NUT with no guts to post his or her name. May be it is the same person that is sending nutty letters to those that have something posted in the editorial sections and then receives a letter from someone that does not sign their name. Not really suggesting that it is but makes one wonder about some of those that write in the forum mentioning receiving letters from a no name source making all kind of remarks regarding something written to the forum. They do make you give your full name and address when you mail a letter to the forum don?t they?

Oops, forgot to sign me name, same as the writer of the above article.

Posted by: binky
8/10/2007 4:52 PM

Once again, the Observer editorial staff has proven their insignificance in the whole matter. They are unable to discern fact from fiction. Also, when once they had sheep, the sheep are no longer paying attention to their dribble. The sheep have degenerated so far now, they are barely able to stand in line for their handouts and whom to be told to vote for.

Posted by: diggndeeper
8/10/2007 8:59 PM