Smoking mirrors . . . or a real firestorm?

Kaye Grogan
July 27, 2007

Smoking mirrors or a real firestorm brewing? Every time the undercover plot of a North American Union surfaces — those-involved grab their "fanning the flames" blankets and claim the idea is just a figment of somebody's imagination.

Okay . . . I'll buy that baloney, at least for now. But for the sake of argument, and to put a little testing water between the hideous sandwiched proposal of a third-world nation, let's look at some of the downers associated with this type of so-called union.

(1) With America's government already sunk so deeply in its own quagmire barely operable — do we really need two more shaky governments to deal with?

(2) Out of three nations whose Constitution will be dominant? Our governing body can't correctly decipher or enforce our own existing laws — much less take on the added burden of two more unsettled crime-laden countries.

(3) Considering that the trade deficit in America is already deeper than the Grand Canyon — who is really going to prosper? Our leaders are so bumfuzzled and baffled they are leading us down so many dark alleys, it will be a miracle if we see daylight again.

(4) With the United States already pouring money into the Mexican economy allowing millions of illegal migrants to work here and send billions back to their families and government — again, who is prospering and who is straddling the short end of the stick?

(5) Both Canada and Mexico have abolished the death penalty, refusing to impose it on the most horrendous crimes. Could this explain why several anti-death penalty advocates have called for a moratorium in an effort to abolish the much needed punishment here in America?

(6) We already have an enormous problem with the diversity of religion and other cultures trying to interfere with the Judea-Christians' practice of "freedom of religion." Can we or should we be expected to handle more religious diversity?

There are many other problems Americans will encounter with a disastrous North American Union. And few, if any benefits.

At least we still have several like-minded intelligent people in the House of Representatives fighting to halt the Bush Administration from giving our country totally away to outsiders to turn America into a gigantic free candy store for foreign invaders. And those of us who love our beloved country need to rally behind Representatives Tom Tancredo, Duncan Hunter, Ted Poe, Virgil H. Goode, and many more who are sincerely looking out after our well-being.

And the same good-guys are to be commended for launching the effort to have Border Patrol agents' Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean released from prison (sentenced unfairly) for just doing their job. Let's get real here! Who should have been granted immunity from prosecution — a Mexican drug-trafficker or the border agents? Duh! ...this is a no-brainer.

In a press release — Republican Rep. of California Duncan Hunter pointed out how the proposed NAFTA Superhighway challenges our nation's security and is viewed as a plot to drive down the wages and jobs of American truck drivers. Boy, how convenient it will be to secretly transfer nuclear bombs, shoulder missiles, and everything else associated with warfare in mack trucks.

With the Trans-Texas Corridor already under construction — isn't it a little difficult to hide a super highway? So who is kidding who here?

Our leaders and business big-wheels have gotten so greedy — they have been building up an enormous "hindsight is not worth a darn" nightmare that will come back to haunt them later on.

Unfortunately, we will be living the same consequences right along with them.

And the voters need to brand it in their brains forever, the misguided legislatures that voted to grant millions of illegal lawbreakers "amnesty" and the eventual pathway to citizenship. Because if these same traitor type people are in the most powerful positions — they will ignore the wishes of the majority of the American people, and pass the most disastrous bill ever proposed in America's history, regardless of the extreme opposition.

Due to our stupidity, China enjoyed a $ 26 billion dollar surplus last month, while our trade deficit in the last month was probably triple that amount with the supposedly "most favored" nation in the world. And this exorbitant deficit amount doesn't include all of the other one-sided trade deficits we're involved in.

I don't think the United States is viewed by another country as the most favored. But boy, they sure do like to take advantage of our hospitality and red carpet treatment!

We are being led (rapidly) to the slaughter. But it's pathetic we're providing our slaughterers with the weapons to ensure our eventual demise.

At least 90 pro-North American Union members have signed a treaty type document to integrate the United States, Mexico, and Canada as one big happy family. If you don't believe this — do a little research on your own. Thank you Jerome Corsi for keeping us up to date on this disturbing issue.

We are rapidly moving toward the greatest firestorm ever in the history of America. And in the meantime, if you're wondering why you're choking — it's the smoke billowing off of those old smoking mirrors.

And that's the bottom line!