Solutions to the illegal immigration crisis
July 2, 5:16 AM

There are a few, painfully simple measures we could take to stop the current invasion and expel those who have no respect for our borders, nor for our citizens. Truthfully, if any combination or even one of the following actions were taken by our federal government, most illegal aliens in this country would leave, effectively deporting themselves.

1) Place the military on the border.

Rather than sending a few hundred National Guardsmen to the 2,000 mile-long border under orders to never stop anyone entering this country illegally, the way President George Bush did, if say 20,000 troops along with their tanks, helicopters, and U.S. Air Force over flights were utilized along the border (the same way we do for other countries), illegal entries would come to a screeching halt.

We could simply take the troops from Germany, where 30,000 U.S. troops are stationed or any number of other locations around the world and use our military to protect our border!

The Mexican border could and should be made a permanent duty station. This would allow the Border Patrol to full staff the official entry checkpoints which would greatly reduce the amount of drugs and criminals coming into this country.

2) Prison sentences for CEO’s who hire illegal aliens.

Whether it is a landscaping company run-out of someone’s den in Cicero, IL; a 30-unit independent hotel in Virginia Beach, VA; or a corporate giant such as Tyson Foods Inc., once caught with illegal aliens in their employ, the head of that company should spend the next ten years of their life in prison.

Additionally, a percentage of that company’s profits commensurate to the percentage of their employees who are illegal aliens should be seized.

3) Cut off all federal funds to cities which continue or adopt ‘sanctuary policies’ for illegal aliens.

If a city such as Chicago, IL which has such a policy in place, refuses to cooperate with Immigrations and Customs Enforcement by not allowing police officers to inquire into, nor report the immigration status of arrestees, shielding criminal aliens from notification and eventual deportation, their funds will be immediately suspended. No more federal money for roads, schools, no special grants, no construction projects funded with federal money…Nothing.

Only once all municipal agencies in that city are found to be in compliance, will federal funds be restored.

4) Require anyone registering a child in a public school to provide proof of U.S. citizenship.

Illegal aliens have been getting a free education for their children on the backs of American taxpayers for far too long. The practice has led to overcrowded classrooms, and ‘English as a second language’ courses in all of the border states.

The amount of money spent per child in public school annually varies from state to state, as well as district to district. However, it averages several thousands of dollars per child. Why should American taxpayers be subsidizing the families of illegal aliens?

If parents were required to provide proof of citizenship to register the child, many illegal aliens would simply leave the country. You take away the things that draw them here and most will deport themselves.

The state of California is now bankrupt largely due to years of allowing Mexicans to illegally move their families to the state. Overwhelmed with Spanish-only speaking children, they can no longer provide a decent education for American children.

5) Begin mass deportations.

Again, if you take away the goodies (jobs, free education, in-state college tuition, food stamps, Medicaid, etc.), most will return to Mexico on their own. However, there will remain a number of Mexican nationals who will refuse to leave, a great many of them will be hardcore criminals (gang bangers, drug dealers, etc.). These human predators will only return home, if forcibly removed.

We have heard so many times that it is “impossible to deport 12 million people.â€