Southern AZ rancher invites lawmakers to "come down"
Posted: May 27, 2010 11:12 PM CDT Updated: May 28, 2010 4:02 PM CDT

By Mark Stine

Washington D.C. (KOLD) - After Robert Krentz's funeral in Douglas, his friends vowed to keep the fight for border security alive. That fight brought one of his friends, Bill McDonald, to Capitol Hill Thursday to tell members of Congress what it's like living in the middle of the border crisis.

"You're all welcome to come down to the country and see it. It's tough country, you've got to learn it," McDonald said during his testimony.

McDonald wants these Congressmen and women to see what life is like in his backyard.

He explained, "Wildfires get started on a regular basis, gates left down, fences cut and trails made by human traffic."

And he described to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, when these things happen on his Ranch, he has trouble even calling for help.

"Communications are abysmal," Bill testified. "When you're talking about land owner to agents or agent to agent or agent to other law enforcement agencies."

Senator John McCain says having a man like Bill in Washington D.C. goes a long way when talking to members of Congress.

McCain said, "They live, generally speaking, in a much more secure existence. So it's very important that our ranchers and residents come to Washington and tell them the real story."

The real story is exactly why Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords wanted Bill to tell his story before the committee.

She said, "Having Bill McDonald, a real rancher or real American here to testify before members of Congress is really important."

Bill McDonald just hopes his story starts sparking some much needed change in Southern Arizona.

Bill told us after the hearing, "It appears, at least, most of the Committee understand the problem down there on the border and are frustrated, as we are, about trying to do something about it. I also think I was able to impart some more information they probably weren't aware of are problems on the border."

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