Springfield Discusses Immigration Issues After Controversial Comments
Posted: 9/7/2006 10:46:26 PM

A Robertson county community tackles the issue of illegal immigration.

It's a heated debate that has some asking whether this is a racial divide.

City leaders said that the Hispanic population has grown so much, and there have been so many complaints, that a city-wide meeting was necessary.

“It’s a question of quantity I think at this point. It’s escalated so much that we’ve had some severe impact, and it’s created some challenges on our quality of life,” City Manager Paul Nuting said.

Many attending the meeting at Springfield City Hall were concerned about previous comments made by Alderman Ken Cherry, advocating a ban of Hispanics on parks, and an overall concern of their impact on Springfield.

“Specifically I came to this meeting because of some remarks that were made at some previous alderman meetings that I found to be short-sided, and potentially dangerous,” Hispanic leader Rick Casares said.

Cherry would not comment on those previous statements.

This meeting concentrated on discussion with community leaders, trying to find solutions to a nation-wide problem that has also affected Springfield, specifically within the areas of education, public safety and health care.

The city made clear that it would take action on overcrowding by enforcing codes within the community.

“Well that’s good public policy. What I would hope not to see if them just focusing on one particular area of town,” Casares said.

The city said it would have further meetings where other community leaders would speak on the issue.

The city estimated the Hispanic population at 7 percent total, although there are not numbers on how many are legal or illegal.