Gonna pound the great people of Uhta, guess I best learn how to spell Utah.We got great laws passed in The Great Arizona state.But I still could not get a job cleaning toilets and digging holes. Sorry gang.The illegals still have dubs on the jobs this American still at 52 loves to do.Get Dirty and make money doing it jobs.
So I came one state north and its nice here.At least where I am.No Illegals.After all this time. Who would a figured?A place everyone must be legally in our country and speak at least some English in order to get a job.
What a concept,how simple, how cool.
And now after 5 months Of AZ DES telling me I would have to be retrained to do the jobs Obama wants me to do, I am working and making money and paying taxes doing what I do, A Job Americans Wont Do .
Our government is so naive . God bless all, Its good to be back and God Bless America and her working men and woman .