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Statistics don't bear out claims of Pennsylvania illegal immigration woes

December 6, 2006

Illegal immigration was a big issue before last month's election, but there's been little talk about it since — except in Allentown. On Monday night, a two-person City Council panel decided reluctantly to forward Councilman Louis Hershman's illegal immigration ordinance to the full council for a vote next month. In doing so, they wisely recommended the ordinance not be passed.

There are some good reasons why there's been so little noise from the politicians since the election about illegal immigration. First, it was mostly a campaign issue, something to drive voters one way or another. It's not that there isn't an illegal immigration problem. There is, but it is complicated. It is also primarily a federal responsibility, even though politicians like Mr. Hershman and Hazleton Mayor Louis Barletta have tried to take matters into their own hands. Not even the Democrats who will control the new Congress are eager to wade into this mess. None of the solutions will be easy or cheap.

This isn't stopping Mr. Hershman, who is convinced illegal immigration is ruining Allentown and keeping honest citizens from well-paying jobs. He wants city police to enforce federal immigration laws and check on employers. Like Mayor Barletta, he has no statistics to back up his claims.

This is one of the biggest questions about illegal immigration. It's estimated there are 11 million illegal immigrants in the country, but nobody knows for sure. Are there illegal immigrants living and working in Allentown and the rest of Pennsylvania? Without a doubt. However, it's very questionable that it's as big a concern here as in states such as California and Texas.

State Legislatures, the magazine of the National Conference of State Legislatures, published an article in its October-November issue about what states across the nation are trying to do regarding illegal immigration. Mostly, they're trying to tighten the social safety net so that it benefits only citizens.

The article also contained data about the extent of immigration — both legal and illegal — throughout the nation. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, Pennsylvania was one of the states with the largest growth in legal immigrants between 2000 and 2005. The state's immigrant population increased nearly 47 percent in that period, from 364,000 to 534,000. In a state of 12.4 million, that means there's one legal immigrant for every 23 Pennsylvanians. When it comes to illegal immigrants, according the Department of Homeland Security, Pennsylvania doesn't even rank in the top 10 states which account for about 8 million of the estimated 11 million illegal aliens.

Mr. Hershman's proposal isn't needed and shouldn't be passed. As happened in Hazleton, it will harass legal immigrants more than crack down on illegal immigrants, while burdening an already burdened police department